Category: Life Thoughts

Grasshopper Mentality

Joshua and Caleb were ready to conquer the promised land. But ten other leaders who had gone with them to spy out the land feared the Canaanites. They encouraged Moses and the people of Israel to not invade the land. Their reasoning is seen in their statement “we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so …

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It’s the Church’s Job to Grow Kids Spiritually

Luke tells us that Jesus grew in four areas (Luke 2:52): Wisdom [mentally, academically] Stature [physically, athletically, health] Favor with man [socially, kindness, relationships] Favor with God [spiritually, knowledge and fear of God, obedience] Kids today still have a responsibility to grow in each of these areas. Each of them take effort and work. As …

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Even Jesus Had to Grow!

Some growing is easy! A child doesn’t have to think to make themselves add on inches to their height. For most of us adults growing around the waistline happens much easier than we want! But most growing is difficult. It typically takes lots of work and effort. An athlete must work hard to grow in …

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Aligning Your Dream with God’s Dream

Joseph dreamed two visions when he was a teen that his father and brothers would bow down to him one day. He would “reign over” them. His father rebuked him for the dreams and his brothers allowed their jealousy to turn to hatred (Gen. 37:5-11). Joseph had to live with these dreams for decades. How …

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Letting Trees Grow

I have one small tree that grows on my pond bank. I have cut it down before, but because the roots are still there it comes back and grows quickly. It doesn’t really bother me that it is growing. It is not in a place where the roots will damage the pond and I have …

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Reasons People Delay Salvation

Ananias asked Paul an important question, “And now why do you wait?” (Acts 22:16). What a wonderful question to consider. Why are you waiting to be saved? Why are you waiting to give your life to Christ through belief (John 3:16), repentance (Luke 13:3), confession (Rom. 10:9-10), and baptism (Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16)? Let’s consider …

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Gaining Easy Victories

In 1996, Josh Clark wanted to give people easy victories so they could find joy in jogging. What an ambitious goal! After persevering through several failed attempts he had learned to enjoy jogging and the benefits that came with it. He developed a plan to give would-be runners easy victories by attaining small, manageable goals. …

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The Dead Lamb

I had a solid white male lamb die unexpectedly this past week. He appeared to be a perfect little lamb without spot or blemish. But he died. He lay on a clump of hay. His lifeless body in the exposed sun motionless. From a distance he looked like he was just taking a nap in …

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Beware! He Can Burst Out!

Always notice repetitive phrases when reading the Bible. The authors use the same phrase to connect stories and concepts together to make a point. I was reading 1 Chronicles when I noticed an interesting phrase. Three times, once in each chapter between chapters 13-15, the Bible refers to God breaking out. The word used means …

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The One Thing You Must Understand to Get the Bible!

There is one super important concept that is necessary in understanding the Bible. Without this concept the Bible is confusing and unable to be properly understood. Without this concept these topics are misunderstood. Why did God destroy the entire population with a flood? Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Why did God require detailed …

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