Reasons People Delay Salvation

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Ananias asked Paul an important question, “And now why do you wait?” (Acts 22:16). What a wonderful question to consider. Why are you waiting to be saved? Why are you waiting to give your life to Christ through belief (John 3:16), repentance (Luke 13:3), confession (Rom. 10:9-10), and baptism (Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16)? Let’s consider some of the reasons people give for waiting to be saved. If you are waiting, I hope these thoughts can help you to stop waiting!

  1. Aren’t ready for commitment. Jesus taught us to count the cost (Luke 14:26-33). Baptism is a believer’s wedding ceremony. It is when you commit to Christ for life. Just like some avoid marriage because they don’t want the commitment, many refuse salvation for the same reason. They fail to realize they are already in bondage and slavery to sin (John 8:34).
  2. Believe they don’t know enough. Some seem to perceive that they have to take a Bible test before they can be saved. They feel their knowledge is inferior to Christians and the Bible seems so overwhelming. They fail to realize we are born again as a new born babe (John 3:5)! Growth and learning are expected afterwards, but only a basic level of understanding one’s own sin and Christ’s atoning death is needed for salvation (Acts 2; 8:26-40).
  3. Believe they aren’t good enough. Some are deeply convicted of their sins. They seem to want to get their life clean first and then come to Jesus. They want to prove to themselves, others, and maybe, even God, that they can live good and “deserve” salvation. This is a gross misunderstanding of the grace of God (Rom. 3:23-26, 5:8-10). No-one is good enough (Rom. 3:23, 6:23). We turn to Christ for help and strength who promises to clean up our lives and empower us to live holy lives (Phil. 4:13).
  4. Fear crowds and the public nature of conversion. Some expect their baptism to be before the whole church or fear walking before an entire church assembly. They also understand that their decision will be broadcast to their friends and family, which can cause them trepidation and fear worried about what they may think or say. While this fear is legitimate and understandable, it must be overcome. It may be that they person needs to be baptism in a more private setting or speak to the preacher after service instead of going forward. But the person must also realize that a part of salvation is publicly and proudly acknowledging Christ as Lord (Mat. 10:32-33).
  5. Fear the expectation to lead and serve in certain Christian duties. Some have watched the roles Christians play for years. They see men leading in public worship or taking on leadership roles in the church. Christian women are involved in serving and leading various ministries. A potential convert may fear they will be expected to assume the same roles. Some men actually delay salvation for fear they would be called upon to lead a public prayer or read Scripture. A proper understanding of talents and gifts is needed. Each Christian has unique gifts and abilities which they are to use for Christ (Rom. 12:4-8). They are not expected to do what others do, but what they can do for Christ.
  6. Love sin and don’t want to change. Some delay salvation because they aren’t ready to give up the life of sin. They understand they would need to repent and they desire to live in sin (2 Tim. 4:10). This person needs to seriously consider the value of their soul (Mat. 16:26-27).
  7. Because they have bought into the world’s thoughts that all good people go to heaven. The common cultural thought is that everyone goes to heaven. I fear many rationalize and ease their guilty conscience by feeling like they are okay. They are a “good moral” person. God is good and will surely save them. They fail to realize they are lost without obedience to Christ (2 Thes. 1:7-9)

The real question is not “Why do others delay salvation?”, the real question is “Why do you delay salvation?” Please do not delay! Do as Ananias encouraged Paul, “Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name” (Acts 22:16).

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