Category: Life Thoughts

The ESV Scripture Journal Bible – A Great Tool!

I recently discovered this new product from Crossway called the Scripture Journal. Crossway has produced a paperback Bible for each book of the Bible (OT and NT) that contains an entire blank page with each opening. These Bibles are inexpensive and very user-friendly. They are great for taking notes and personal study of a text. …

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Am I Living Wrong, because God Doesn’t Answer My Prayers?

Prayer is difficult! It requires faithful persistence (Luke 18:1-8). We may pray for something for years and God never grant the prayer as we desire. This causes us to question God, our own righteousness, and the purpose of prayer. In the opening of Luke’s gospel he tells about an older couple named Zechariah and Elizabeth. …

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Never Forget!

I write these words on September 11, 2019. My Facebook news feed is filled with posts about 9/11. Most of the posts say something like . . . “Don’t Forget,” “Remember 9/11,” “Never Forgotten,” or “Always in Our Hearts.” All of these expressions of remembrance caused me to reflect on the importance of remembering. Remembering …

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Fake Enemies

Have you ever heard of the First United States Army group of WWII lead by General Patton in a mission called Operation Fortitude? What about the British 12th Army division which was equipped and trained to move in invading Europe? Neither of these armies actually ever existed in reality. They were invented by British and …

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What a Horse Taught My Daughter

It was the saddest day yet on our farm. As parents we had talked about how difficult that day would be, but imagined it would be a long ways off. Brooke’s horse, Chief–her strong gelding horse who was the love of this 12 year old’s heart–had injured his leg. We thought it was a simple …

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Get All People to the Table!

John F. Kennedy had authorized the Bay of Pigs invasion into Cuba by Cuban exiles attempting to overthrow Fidel Castro, which was a complete military failure. Kennedy, adopting a CIA plan, had hoped to make it look like there was no US involvement. The entire episode was a failure and heightened the already tense Cold …

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Ignoring Good Advice

Lou Holtz, the football coach, quipped, “My athletes always follow my advice . . . unless it conflicts with what they want to do.” Why is taking good advice so difficult? Solomon said, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice” (Prov. 12:15). Listening is …

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Mastering Our Temper

Dwight Eisenhower, the future WWII Supreme Commander and U.S. President, was only ten. It was Halloween night and he desperately wanted to go out Trick-or-Treating with his older brothers, but his parents said no. He argued fiercely for permission to go, but to no avail. When his brothers headed off without him, he lost his …

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Wrongful Birth???

A mother in England is suing a British Hospital for “wrongful birth” desiring $250,000 for the cost of raising the child. Her son was born with Down Syndrome, she claims the hospital did not provide her with the proper screening as she desired an abortion. The child is now four years old! She was reported …

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“We The People” Must Guard Freedom!

“We the people” is how our founding fathers chose to open the Constitution. These three words appear in large font on the opening Preamble. For years children across America memorized the Preamble. It speaks to the true authority and power behind the Constitution. Lincoln would stand on the hallowed grounds of Gettysburg shortly after that …

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