Wrongful Birth???

A mother in England is suing a British Hospital for “wrongful birth” desiring $250,000 for the cost of raising the child. Her son was born with Down Syndrome, she claims the hospital did not provide her with the proper screening as she desired an abortion.

The child is now four years old! She was reported by nurses to have been angry and upset at the birth of the child. She has lived angry for four years! This case is not new, as a British paper reports that parents have received millions in “wrongful birth” lawsuits.

Several thoughts jump out at me regarding this story from a Christian worldview.

  1. There is no such thing as a wrongful birth! Every human is created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-27). Every person is fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:14). We all have our weaknesses, disabilities, and limitations, but each of us are unique and special. Every person has a divine purpose and meaning to their life (John 9:1-7). Our opposition to abortion comes from a foundational belief in the sanctity and dignity of human life. No person is wrongfully born and it is dangerous for our society to start labeling some people as wrongfully born. This development has come directly from evolution and the removal of God from our western civilization. Wrongful birth language is only a short distance from racism and euthanasia. It isn’t that much different from Hitler’s actions toward “undesirables” in Germany.
  2. Each life is a gift that should be cherished, rather than despised. So much of life is about our attitude in reacting to what happens to us. This mother has spent the last four years being bitter and upset over a precious child she did not want. How would the last four years of been different if she would have received her unique and special son as a special, child of God? Millions of parents have special needs children which they cherish, love, and gain incredible joy from them. To speak of their child being “wrongfully born” is an insult in the highest to their precious gift. Special need persons teach and impact this world in wonderful ways. A world where every special need child was aborted because they would be a “wrongful birth” would be a world lacking and insufficient in its compassion, love, laughter, and smiles. Who are we as an arrogant human society to say those with low IQ or physical disabilities are unnecessary and “less” than us? When will be the point when you will be the unnecessary one to society?


See “Mother of Son with Down Syndrome sues Hospital would of had Abortion” https://www.foxnews.com/health/hospital-abortion-son-mother-down-syndrome-lawsuit

Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/wrongful-birth/