Category: Inspirational Story

Rebuilding Trust

Joseph’s brothers betrayal was legendary. They sold their own brother into slavery, which was actually a reprieve from their original intentions of murdering him. Now, some two decades later circumstances (in truth, the Lord’s providence) has brought them back together. The brothers have come to Egypt to get grain to survive during a terrible famine. …

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Life and the Challenger Explosion

January 28th marked thirty-three years since the Challenger Space Shuttle exploded in mid-air soon after launch. The explosion which killed the seven astronauts on-board shocked our nation and brought forth national mourning. The flight was significant because it involved a teacher, Christa McAuliffe, who was going to teach some classes for students across the country …

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Delighting in Your Child

I am a parent of four between 14 and 6. I know what it is to have kids arguing with each other and constantly playing in the house. I have three boys, so I am always playing referee to their indoor ballgame, wrestling match, or Nerf war. The longest part, and most uphill climb of …

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The “Silicone Ring” View of Marriage

I left for a seminar this week. I unintentionally left my wedding ring laying on the dresser. I wear my wedding ring everyday.  It is a white gold band. There are no diamonds on the band, but it is still valuable. Obviously, the ring means much to me personally. But I forgot it, so I …

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Your Role In-between the Past and the Future

We are a culture that esteems youth and the here-and-now. We move at a rapid pace and spend little time reflecting on the past or dreaming about the future. We have too much to do in the present! As we begin 2019, I want to share two stories with you that challenge you to see …

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The Hope of Christmas

The holiday season is described as the “most joyous time of the year.” We fill our minds with sweet childhood memories of Christmas’ past. We easily reflect on what used to be at Christmas, but is no more. While everyone is expected to be smiling during the holidays, many are struggling with deep despair. Henry …

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Where Affairs Start

Where do affairs get started?  Affairs are not what either spouse wanted. They got married because they loved each other and wanted to spend their lives together. They vowed their love and fidelity to one another before God and family. They surely never thought it would come to this point with one spouse cheating on …

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Why Are You Here?

You don’t want to just live, you want to live for something definite.  You want to have a purpose bigger than yourself.  We are given maximum opportunities to choose in our modern world.  This amazing freedom to choose our own paths often leave us crippled with the burden of how do we find purpose and …

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What Are You Offering this Thanksgiving?

Under the old law of Moses the children of Israel could offer a free-will Thanksgiving offering (Lev. 7:11-15). When their hearts were moved with gratitude the law prescribed a specific sacrifice they could journey to the temple and make. It involved giving an animal sacrifice or different types of cakes. The worshipper gave back to …

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God is Directing Our Ship – An Illustration!

Acts 27 tells a fascinating story about Paul and his companions being on a ship during the midst of a tremendous storm.  Paul had warned the captain of the ship not to sail because it was winter and the sea was not fit for sailing.  While trying to make it down the shoreline some 40 …

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