A Lamb Parable and Unwanted Babies

The Newborn Lamb

She is a good sheep. She minds her business well and plays well with the herd. She had no family goals or desires to have a lamb of her own. She delayed it as long as she could, but eventually she succumbed to the temptation and ended up pregnant. It was a cold night in early March when the baby was born. Leaving the lamb shivering and wet, she chose to walk away from her responsibility. She would leave the lamb exposed and go back to her herd. A kind little girl happened to be passing near by and herd the little lamb “baaing” in the cold night. She found the lamb and cuddled it in tight to her chest. The mom was confronted with her dastardly deed. She was determined to reject the lamb. She wanted nothing to do with this life-changing new baby. What a terrible mom and what a poor baby lamb, thought the little girl and her helpers! The lamb needed a mother to feed, warm, clean, and love her, but the mother refused her responsibility!

Our hearts ache for the baby lamb. Our heads shake at the callous and cold behavior of the mother. Her actions are against nature. Moms are supposed to feed, love, and protect their young. We feel a necessity to protect and care for the baby lamb. We shake our heads at the mother, disgusted with her actions.

The Rejecting Mother

How can we see it so easily in animals yet miss it in humans? Can you really believe we are a culture that is debating, “Can a mom reject and choose to kill her own child?” We have followed the natural progression of legalizing abortion (killing inside the womb) and are now legislating prohibitive life saving measures to born infants and allowing infanticide after birth for unwanted children (killing outside the womb). We should shake our heads and be appalled at the mothers and fathers making such decisions! We should be heart broken at the moral depravity of our nation. We must have great compassion on the little lambs born in such a cold, dark world.

The Lord hates “hands that shed innocent blood.” (Prov. 6:17) “Train the young women to love their husbands and their children” (Titus 2:4).

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