HALT Sin before It Happens!

Our feelings and emotions directly affect how we handle a given situation. We are not robots. We are emotional, living, changing beings. Each day is different and we often react differently to the same incident based on what emotions we are feeling that day.

This happens with sin! Satan knows that our emotions and feelings often make us vulnerable and easy prey for a sin. Here are four conditions that make us vulnerable to sin built around the acronym HALT. If you are aware of your weakened condition you can stay strong and HALT sin from entering your life.

H – Hungry – I am sure you have heard the advice, “Don’t go buy groceries on an empty stomach.” It is true isn’t it! When you are hungry everything looks so good. You just keep throwing items into your cart and the bill just keeps getting longer. This is the same for us spiritually. When we are hungry, Satan offers us fake fillers. He offered Jesus stones to turn into bread when he was hungry (Mat. 4:3). He offered Eve delicious fruit that pleased her eyes (Gen. 3:1-7). Be it sexual hunger, spiritual hunger, a thirst for purpose or meaning, or poverty; when we are hungry we don’t think clearly. We become like Esau and sell our future in order to get a bowl of stew (Gen. 25:30-34).

A – Angry – How many sins has Satan pushed into the lives of God’s children by getting them angry? Jesus pinpointed murder as proceeding from anger (Mat. 5:21-22). Paul teaches us to be cautious when we get angry. We must not let anger turn to sin. He urges us to not let the “sun go down on your anger.” (Eph. 4:26). Words fly quickly, hands turn into fists, and hateful actions happen when we are angry. Be careful when you feel your temperature arising!

L – Lonely – The writer of Ecclesiastes said, “two are better that one” (Ecc. 4:9). Accountability is crucial for avoiding sin. When we are alone we feel like our actions are in secret. Privacy emboldens us to sin. Satan encourages us to feel like it is a secret sin that no one will ever know. Loneliness encourages us to play the role of the victim and believe we deserve such a sin. Loneliness is connected with depression and discouragement. When we are lonely, sin sees and opportunity to pounce.

T – Tired – Physical weariness is a subtle trigger for sin. God required Israel to rest one out of seven days by not allowing any work to be done on the Sabbath. Rest is essential. Our Lord told his disciples after a busy time of ministry, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while” (Mark 6:31). We need rest. When we are sleep deprived and worn-out with business and busyness we make a large target for Satan.

The medical community is constantly educating the public on seeing the warning signs for heart disease. They tell us if we see certain symptoms taking place then get to the emergency room. As Christians, we must be on the lookout for certain conditions as well. When we are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired we must be aware of our vulnerability. We must determine to HALT sin before it takes us away from God and down a painful path.

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