The Greatest Challenge Facing Families

kiddies soccer by sd2005 at

kiddies soccer by sd2005 at

We were discussing our schedule for the week and the activities with sports, when Amanda said it!

She said, “I think youth sports may be the greatest challenge facing families today.” 

Some might heartily disagree with this statement. Some might say it is worldliness, apathy, or materialism that is challenging families today.  They would certainly have ample evidence to support their statement.

Yet, Amanda’s statement has much merit.  What Amanda was saying is that all of the activities, be it sports, music lessons, gymnastics, dance classes, or academic teams are a great challenge for families.  

They challenge families by dictating their time and schedules.  They keep families from being together as a whole family.  Mom carries one to piano, while dad goes with another to coach the t-ball game.  Monday night is t-ball, Tuesday is little league for brother, Thursday is golf camp, and Friday and Saturday is the soccer tournament for the older sister.  This is how many families roll.  It is how society tells us we must roll today if we are going to be a good parent and give our kids what they are” entitled” to. 

So, families spend time and money in traveling sports.  The dinner table is left empty as fast food meals are consumed.  Work and chores are not taught, because there is just not enough time.  Dad and mom don’t have time to maintain their marriage, doing good to talk to each other about their days.  The church suffers.  Kids have erratic Bible class attendance.  Church youth activities take last place behind the many other commitments.  Christian families say the Lord and His church are first place, but they struggle to reflect this priority in their time and energy.

Yet does it really make a difference?  Are all the lessons we say really being taught?  Do kids really learn all about teamwork from sports?  Are they happier because of these activities?  Is it really necessary for our kids to start out playing when they are 4 so they can play on the High School team?  Do they really have to belong to a traveling team, or will a local league be good enough?  What will kids remember about their childhood; a day at the ball field with their friends or relaxed day at home with family?  Who do we really want teaching our kids values and morals–the coach or ourselves?

As I thought about Amanda’s statement, I think she is very accurate.  It may not be the greatest sin of our generation, nor the greatest harm to the church, but I believe it is possibly the greatest challenge parents face today because it is believed to be a part of good parenting.  It is something that must be constantly managed, fought against, and kept in check.  

We have four kids and we are facing this challenge on a regular basis.  It requires constant adjustment.  We don’t always get it right!  Many times we don’t know if we got it wrong or right!  We do recognize the challenge.  We do fight against allowing our lives and schedules to be controlled by the kids’ sports and pursuits.  We do always want to examine our schedules and make sure they are reflecting our priorities.

What are your thoughts on how to manage this great challenge?

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2 pings

    • Joseph Williams on July 9, 2014 at 2:11 pm

    I agree. Some families I work with in counseling talk about having their children pick one sport to play each calendar year. This helps keep everyone from getting spread too thin, while enabling some sports participation.

      • ketch_90 on July 9, 2014 at 3:36 pm

      Thanks Joseph – I think that is a good idea for families to consider.

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