The Change In What Draws People to a Church

We in churches of Christ have a rich history of love for the truth and dedication to New Testament Christianity. Our history demonstrates our emphasis upon active involvement and commitment to the local church. We believe there are no “Lone Ranger” Christians, but each Christian must be connected with a local church for worship and service (Eph. 4:11-16, 1 Cor. 12:12-13).

In the past we were connected together in a church and chose to be a part of a church because we had a common set of beliefs. These beliefs drew us together. We believed the same doctrines, and thus were united together in the body of Christ (Eph. 4:1-6). We were bound together by our shared beliefs. The drawing power was the cross of Christ and unity based upon His teachings. New converts became a part of the church as they converted to Christ and His teachings. Shared beliefs formed a local church.

But it seems over the last 20-30 years there has been a change in what draws people to a church. People are drawn by what the church offers. Yes, the story of Christ is still presented, but people choose to belong to a church because of what it offers. The religious world has adopted a consumer-driven mentality. What does the church offer me?

Do you see the shift? It used to be we believe the same doctrine, thus we are united together in this church. We belong to one another and must determine to work together, love each other, and glorify God together. To now it is I want to be a part of this church because I like what the church offers my family. I like the preaching, my kids enjoy the youth program, and I appreciate all the ministries you have going.

While it is certainly not wrong to consider the ministries of the church and how it can serve your family, this should not be the primary reason you belong to a church. The foundation should be you are connected to one another through the unity you share in the doctrines of Christ. Christ binds you together, so you must work on being unified and knit together in love (Eph. 4:1-16).

What about you? Why do you belong to your church?

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