Guilt Found in a Right Ear

I cracked my wife’s phone by dropping it accidentally in the garage. Every time I look at the phone, I think about this mistake–while also mindful of her forbearance with me. I had a van one time that had a big dent in the side, that was received from a deer who decided to come flying at me as I was driving down the road. Every time I saw that dent, I thought of that deer and the unfortunate episode. I have a huge knob on my right collar bone, where it healed from being shattered. There is no wild adventure story to how it happened, I fell off a bike when I was in college and broke it. I haven’t forgotten, though it was over 23 years ago. I am sure you have many daily reminders of past episodes too.

I thought of my regular reminders of past mistakes when I read that Malchus was the High Priest’s servant in John 18:10. Malchus worked for Caiaphas, who is the High Priest who will lead the Jewish trials against Jesus and worked to have Jesus killed. Malchus, the man with the most famous right ear in history, had gone with the Roman soldiers and Judas to arrest Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. Peter who was determined to defend Jesus, pulled his sword and apparently tried to kill Malchus, but only cut off his right ear. Jesus, in a expression of compassion and power, will touch his ear and heal it (Luke 22:51).

You know the rest of the story; Jesus will go on to be crucified and resurrected the following Sunday. Caiaphas will serve as High Priest another three years (36 AD). It seems likely that Malchus would have remained his servant. Consider the thought that he had to look at that ear every day. Every time he saw his servant he was reminded of killing a man who claimed to be the Messiah and proved it by healing his servant’s ear he sent to arrest him. He knew the truthfulness of Jesus miracles, like the resurrection of Lazarus (John 11). He would have known the tomb was empty. He lived during the time when thousands would come to Christ and establish a new religion based on Jesus. Every day that he saw that ear he was reminded of his part!

There is no record that Caiaphas ever converted to Christ. He will oppose the Apostles preaching of Jesus in Acts. But I can’t help but think in his heart-of-hearts he looked at that ear sometimes and thought, “I made a big mistake.” But he was too prideful and socially positioned to admit it. What constant reminders is God giving you in your life (Rom. 1:19-20)? Don’t be hard-hearted and refuse to acknowledge your sins and failures! Turn to Jesus in repentance and faith. He is giving you the reminder for a reason.

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