God Heard the Cry of the Boy

Hagar had reached her breaking point. She had been sent away from her providers into the wilderness with only some bread, water, and her young son. The water bag had given its last drop. She put the child under some bushes and went a little ways off preparing for his and her eventual deaths. Should could not bear to look upon her son any longer. She sat down and wept. The boy began to cry too. Picture this desert scene with mom and baby boy both crying a distance apart in desperation.

An angel of God will call to Hagar and say, “Fear not, for God has heard the cries of the boy where he is” (Gen. 21:17). She is instructed to pick the child back up. Today, will not be their last day! Her eyes were opened to see a well of water. They are refreshed!

This is the story of Hagar and Ishmael in the book of Genesis (21:8-21). This graphic story reminds me of the boys and girls crying in our nation today. These children are desperate and often alone.

Consider the following . . .

  • Children are more isolated from friends, teachers, and extended family than ever before.
  • Child abuse is on the rise in 2020 because of the pandemic.
  • Child abuse is going undetected in many cases because one of the largest detectors of child abuse victims are educators.
  • Children are spending more hours in front of screens playing games and watching TV.
  • Children are being exposed to predators and pornographic materials at staggering rates and young ages which also is an increased threat in 2020 with the amount of time children have using electronics.
  • Neglect is another significant consequence of the pandemic. Children, in many cases, are not having their basic needs met of food, love, protection, and care.
  • Drug and alcohol abuse has increased along with depression and anxiety in adults. All of these factors mean the children in the adults lives feel the effects.

Each of these crying children are heard by God! God knows. As I relate this ancient story from Genesis, I can’t help but see the same idea today. Parents stressed out, drug addicted, out of work, or just swamped from all their demands are having to set their children aside. Parents are often desperate. Children are left alone to cry!

This means two clear things . . . First, God will hold us accountable for how we treat our kids; our own especially, but even those of our neighborhoods. We need to love kids. Give kids in your life extra attention, love, and care. Turn off the screens and spend some time with them; they may protest at first, but it is what they need. Determine to protect them from harmful influences. If you are struggling with drugs, alcohol, depression, or child abuse get help! Do it for your child! Second, God has a deep compassion for kids. God loves and rescues those that cry to Him. Don’t think that any hurting, abused child’s cries goes unheard. God hears. He will rescue. He will judge.

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