Finding Peace in Your Relationship Status!

Contentment is tough.  When we think of it, we typically think of being content with our possessions.  But finding peace and contentment in your relationship status can be difficult too.  Singles want to be married.  Sadly, married people desire in their heart to be divorced.  Widows and widowers desire ardently sometimes to be remarried.  Recently divorced people often don’t let the ink dry before they are considering who they may want to marry.  Married individuals can struggle to be content with their spouse, always thinking about what they should be instead of loving who they are.

In my judgment, this causes much unhappiness and lack of peace.  Did you know Paul addressed this issue in 1 Corinthians 7?  In fact, in the midst of talking about singles, married people, divorced, and widows, he writes, “Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him.  This is my rule in all the churches” (1 Cor. 7:17).  Later, he said, “in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God” (1 Cor. 7:24).  Paul is not saying someone should remain in a sinful relationship, but he is speaking to us finding peace and contentment in our present condition.

Paul is emphasizing that each one should seek to serve Christ in their present state. Each “condition” offers various advantages to ones service to God.  Christ should be our number one priority no matter our relationship status.  While it is fine to desire marriage (7:1-9) and it is also good to be single (7:7-8), the key is finding our purpose, peace, and fulfillment in being a slave to Christ (7:22).  Not only is this best for our spiritual relationship, but it could also be observed that until we find peace and purpose in Christ ourselves, we are not truly ready to enter another relationship.

So, go forward determined to “lead the life that the Lord has assigned” to you.  Determine to let your current status be a status that brings glory and honor to Christ!


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