America’s Hatred for Personal Change!

Change is extremely difficult. Consider this excerpt from the book Designed to Lead.

Roughly six hundred thousand people have heart bypass each year in the United States. These patients are told they must change. They must change their eating habits, must exercise, and quit smoking and drinking. If they do not, they will die. The case for change is so compelling they are literally told, “Change or die.” Yet despite clear instructions and the painful reality, 90 percent of the patients do not change. Within two years of hearing such brutal facts, they remain the same. Change is that challenging for people. For the vast majority of patients, death is chosen over change” (p. 135).

Isn’t that amazing? But in many ways it is not surprising. We become set in our ways and it seems impossible for us to change. This study involved heart patients, but as a preacher I believe the 90 percent mark is similar when it comes to people’s spiritual hearts. People know the warning, “unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3). Most folks believe there is a God (Rom. 1:20). Most Americas still associate the Bible as being the Word of God. Yet, how many are willing to change their life based on the Bible? Jesus tells us to “fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Mat. 10:28). He compared the road to hell as a broad path with many going down it, while the path to heaven is a narrow path with few finding it (Mat. 7:13-14). People face their own mortality and understand death is coming. Yet, they refuse to change! They know Christ died for them (John 3:16), but they will not yield their heart to Him.

Maybe the cause is not to be primarily attributed to a rebellious or callous spirit, but has more to do with our resistance to change. Maybe we are just so stubborn and set in our ways, we are not willing to change even when our eternal destiny is at stake. 90 percent will not change for their physical life, it seems about the same for people’s spiritual lives.

What about you? Are you rejecting Jesus and the Word of God simply because you don’t want to change? Jesus will help you and empower your transformation. Don’t put him off just because you are afraid of change.


If you are interested in changing and want to be saved please read this post. Or contact me at for more information.

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