2019 archive


A preacher’s marriage has a unique set of challenges and needs. No one understands those stresses and challenges except other preachers. Yet, there is nothing currently available for preachers and their wives to get away with other preachers and their wives and mutually share their wisdom and struggles. That is until now . . . …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/reconnect/

Mastering Our Temper

Dwight Eisenhower, the future WWII Supreme Commander and U.S. President, was only ten. It was Halloween night and he desperately wanted to go out Trick-or-Treating with his older brothers, but his parents said no. He argued fiercely for permission to go, but to no avail. When his brothers headed off without him, he lost his …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/mastering-our-temper/

Wrongful Birth???

A mother in England is suing a British Hospital for “wrongful birth” desiring $250,000 for the cost of raising the child. Her son was born with Down Syndrome, she claims the hospital did not provide her with the proper screening as she desired an abortion. The child is now four years old! She was reported …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/wrongful-birth/

“We The People” Must Guard Freedom!

“We the people” is how our founding fathers chose to open the Constitution. These three words appear in large font on the opening Preamble. For years children across America memorized the Preamble. It speaks to the true authority and power behind the Constitution. Lincoln would stand on the hallowed grounds of Gettysburg shortly after that …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/we-the-people-must-guard-freedom/

It All Started With Prayer

Most Bible students are familiar with the story of the transfiguration–it is the time when Christ’s face shines like the sun and his clothes radiate white on a mountain top (Mat. 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-10; Luke 9:28-37). Moses and Elijah appear on the mountain to speak with Jesus about his coming departure from this world (Luke …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/it-all-started-with-prayer/

Grasshopper Mentality

Joshua and Caleb were ready to conquer the promised land. But ten other leaders who had gone with them to spy out the land feared the Canaanites. They encouraged Moses and the people of Israel to not invade the land. Their reasoning is seen in their statement “we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/grasshopper-mentality/

Three Ways to Be a Barnabas!

His birth name was Joseph, but you likely know him as Barnabas. Barnabas was his nickname given to him by the Apostles because it means “son of encouragement” (Acts 4:36). He was so encouraging and energizing that they gave him that title or nickname! This is a quality all of us can develop! All of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/three-ways-to-be-a-barnabas/

It’s the Church’s Job to Grow Kids Spiritually

Luke tells us that Jesus grew in four areas (Luke 2:52): Wisdom [mentally, academically] Stature [physically, athletically, health] Favor with man [socially, kindness, relationships] Favor with God [spiritually, knowledge and fear of God, obedience] Kids today still have a responsibility to grow in each of these areas. Each of them take effort and work. As …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/its-the-churchs-job-to-grow-kids-spiritually/

Even Jesus Had to Grow!

Some growing is easy! A child doesn’t have to think to make themselves add on inches to their height. For most of us adults growing around the waistline happens much easier than we want! But most growing is difficult. It typically takes lots of work and effort. An athlete must work hard to grow in …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/even-jesus-had-to-grow/

Aligning Your Dream with God’s Dream

Joseph dreamed two visions when he was a teen that his father and brothers would bow down to him one day. He would “reign over” them. His father rebuked him for the dreams and his brothers allowed their jealousy to turn to hatred (Gen. 37:5-11). Joseph had to live with these dreams for decades. How …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/aligning-your-dream-with-gods-dream/