You are Where You Are Because of Your Choices!

by Pontus Edenberg at

Where are you?  Why are you there?  You  are there because of the choices you have made to get you there.  If you go on a trip, you end up at your destination because you made choices to get you to that location.

Where are you in your relationships?  Where are you financially?  Where are you with the Lord?  Where are you when it comes to active involvement with the church?  Where are you with your kids?  You are primarily there because of the choices you have to get you there.  I know many things are out of our control, but most of the time we are where we are at because of our choices.

This means that the decisions we make on a daily basis are pivotal for determining our future happiness and success.  It means that our choices must be guided by core beliefs and principles that will steer us   down the proper path.

Take the story of Ruth for an example.  Ruth, the Moabite widow, who returns with her mother-in-law Naomi to the land of Israel, is constantly coming to crossroads in her life.  The choices she makes ultimately leads her to being in the lineage of Jesus.

  • In chapter 1, she faces the decision of either remaining with Naomi, who is returning home, or choosing to stay in her homeland, Moab.  The guiding principle that she used to make this decision was loyalty.  She makes one of the most beautiful statements in the Bible confessing her loyalty to death.  Here sister-in-law, Orpah, chose to return home and we know nothing else of her.
  • In chapter 2, she faces the challenge of poverty and moral purity.  She humbles herself and goes out to glean in the fields as a poor person was entitled to do.  She does not open herself up to young men, but stays loyal to family.  She chose purity and strength of character and it will affect her future.
  • In chapter 3, she listens to Naomi and yields herself to the Law of Moses.  She petitions Boaz through a cultural act of proposal to become here redeemer.  She made the choice to be faithful to the law and family, rather than pursue her own way.
  • In chapter 4, she trusts in the providence of God while the men are deciding her future redeemer.  Sometimes, the best choice we have to make is trust in God’s providence.

I love the story of Ruth, because she faces many difficulties and hardships, but her life is used for the glory of God, because of the choices she makes.  The choices we make determine where we end up too. The choices we make determine if our life can be used for God’s glory and honor!

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