Who Do You Worship?

Who are you?

Who do you worship?

Are those questions related? I would say the second question directly shapes and creates the answer to the first! You become like what you worship!

James Michener writing in his book, The Source, tells the story of a man named Urbaal, who was a farmer living about 2200 B.C. He worshipped two gods, on god of death, the other a goddess of fertility. One day, the temple priests tell Urbaal to bring his young son to the temple for sacrifice–if he wants good crops. Urbaal incredibly obeys dragging his wife and son to the temple for the ceremonial execution along with other children. After the sacrifice the priests of the goddess of fertility announce that one of the father’s will be chosen to spend a week with a new cult prostitute. Urbaal’s wife is stunned to noice the desire written more intensely across his face than ever before. He eagerly lunges forward when his name is called. The ceremony is over and she walks out of the temple baffled and crushed by the episode. She lost her son and her husband! She concluded, “if he had different gods, he would have been a different man.”

How right she was in her conclusion! Who we worship shapes who we are as an individual! God in speaking about the children of Israel says, “They followed worthless idols and themselves became worthless. They imitated the nations around them” (2 Kings 17:15). They took on the character of their gods!

Jesus taught us that “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Mat. 6:21). Whatever we treasure, esteem, value, adore (i.e. worship) will be what has the love of our hearts. Our identity is shaped by who or what we worship. If we worship stuff we will focus on accumulation and prize our possessions. We will often grow greedy, miserly, or bitter when they are taken away. If we worship an image, lifestyle, or celebrity we will put our heart and self-image into pursuing this aim. If we worship pleasure we will be constantly focused on getting the next high.

One of the great statements of Scripture is “Be holy, for I am holy” (Lev. 11:44; 1 Pet. 1:16). As Christians we take our identity from God. We are to be loving, kind, merciful, just, righteous, and pure because of who God is! Worship is transformative. In worship, because we adore, esteem, and love the one we worship, we take on His image and reflect his glory.

So who/what do you worship? You will become like what you worship. Be careful who you put on the thrown of your heart! Only Jesus deserves it!

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