What Submission Should Look Like

Headship (i.e. someone in authority as the head) is a sensitive subject today.  It seems no one wants to accept the authority of another.  Yet, the Bible calls Christians to be submissive (Eph. 3:21; Titus 3:1).  One of the most controversial, and may I say ignored aspects of headship today, is the responsibilities Christian wives have to submit to their husbands (Col. 3:18, 1 Pet. 3:5; Eph. 5:22-24).  The word for submit involves the concept of placing oneself under.  It is done out of respect and love for the Lord (Eph. 5:22).

Paul refers to headship in 1 Corinthians 11:3 before discussing the subject of head coverings in the Corinthian church.  He described three relationships that involve headship and submission.  When we look at these parallel relationships we learn some valuable lessons on what headship should be.  These lessons are seen by drawing from the example fo Christ.

The three examples Paul gives in 1 Corinthians 11:3.

  • “Head of every man is Christ”
  • “Head of a wife is her husband”
  • “Head of Christ is God”

When I examine these relationships and consider the example of Christ toward His Father, it leads me to two important observations.

  • None force submission, but choose to submit out of respect.  In each of these three cases, the head never forces submission, but allows voluntary submission.  It is an abuse of the God-given headship role to physically force submission.  Sadly, husbands have often forced submission, but it is a submission in deed only and destroys the trust and intimacy of the relationship.  Each of us should choose to submit to those of whom we are under their authority out of respect for them and the desires of God.
  • None are degraded, but honored and blessed.  In each of these three relationships, the one who submits is not viewed in a derogatory, degrading way, but is bestowed honor and dignity because of their choice.  The man who submits to Christ is honored with the riches of salvation and eternal life.  The wife who submits to her godly husband is honored with love, respect, and his affection.  Christ was “crowned with glory and honor” because of his choice to submit to the Father (Heb. 2:9).

We must not let the world label submission as always negative and undesirable.  We must let Christ’s example and plan of God guide our submission.  If Christians practice Biblical submission it will be beautiful, respectful, and God-honoring.


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