Top Posts for 2018

Here is my Top 10 List for the top viewed posts of 2018.

  1. Why Your Kids Should Carry a Print Bible
  2. This is a Time For: Thoughts on the Marshall County School Shooting
  3. Forgiveness #3: The Benefits of Forgiveness
  4. You are the Trophy
  5. Did You Know Uriah was David’s Loyal Friend
  6. Eight Challenges of Being a Preacher’s Wife
  7. 10 Ministry Ideas for Your Church this Summer
  8. Filling the Gap: Trust vs. Suspicion
  9. Six Challenges Church Leaders Face
  10. Why Your Children Should Visit Nursing Homes

If you missed any of these posts check them out and share with others! Thanks for reading in 2018 and hope you have a happy new year. If you have not subscribed to my email list, please do so. It is easy and ensures you will not miss a post as they will be delivered to your email each time a new one is released. The form is on the right side of the page.

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