Thinking about God while Singing Lullabies to Caleb

Our Sweet Caleb

Our Sweet Caleb

For the last year I have put Caleb, our youngest down to sleep each night.  Don’t think I am the greatest dad ever, I probably wouldn’t do this every night if he didn’t do better for me than Amanda.  You see, he likes her more!  This really isn’t up for debate, in fact, he likes her so much he doesn’t want her to leave!  So since he was small, I have put him down.  Having multiple children requires parents sharing the load, so I have often put the baby down to sleep while Amanda gets the older ones to bed.

I cherish this time, though I often do not like dragging it out because I am tired at the end of the day.  Caleb has to have all of his items.  He is a bit of a hoarder.  He has two small blankies, a paci (I know it is about time to go, but he goes to sleep so well with it), his bear, sometimes a sheep or Elmo, and sometimes Brooke’s blankies.  Both of our arms are full!  We always read one or two small books.  He turns out the lights and then we will rock for a couple of minutes before I lay him down.  He is not allowed to get back up.  After I lay him down, he wants me to hold his hand and sing to him.

Yes, that is right, he likes me to sing to him.  So either during the rocking or after I lay him down I sing to him two songs, Jesus Loves Me and Amazing Grace.  There is something about Caleb and Amazing Grace.  It has always been his lullaby song.  I think it was his aunt Ashley who figured this out when he was very small.  You could sing Jesus Loves Me and he would keep on a crying and fighting sleep.  But you could sing the old classic song Amazing Grace and he would calm down and go to sleep in your arms.

As I was singing these songs last night, it occurred to me, “He likes my singing.”  I have always been knowingly self-deceived into believing I sung my best when in the darkness of my kids room singing lullabies.  But I know I really don’t sound any better, than my normal can’t-carry-a-tune-in-a-bucket self!  But I have never had one kid complain.  I think it is because I am their father.  It is not about the tune, but it is about the comfort and love which they feel.

This made me think two thoughts about our relationships with our Heavenly Father.  First, it encouraged me as a singer to God.  I know I am not a great singer, I struggle to keep the rhythm and stay on tune, but God listens to my heart.  Just like my kids listen not with their ears, judging my performance, but with their hearts.  So the Lord listens to hear if I love Him and am deeply desiring to praise His Holy Name.  Second, it caused me to ask do I listen and take comfort when God “sings over me.”  Ryan Scherer, our song leader, has lead the song When the Night is Falling some at 7 Oaks.  It has these lyrics about God singing this to us as Christians:

When the night would hide my way…
I will listen until I hear you say,

“How I love you child! I love you!
How I love you child! I love you!
How I love you!”

“How I love you child! I love you!
How I love you child! I love you!
How I love you!”¹

Now, I don’t believe I audibly can hear those words sung over me, but I do believe by faith and through His word I can hear his love and care.  When I am insecure and restless, not wanting to lay down and sleep, I can listen to my Father singing his song of love, care, and mercy.  Just like Caleb, says in such a sweet 2 year old voice “sing me a song” when he has just laid down, so I can find strength and comfort in listening to my Father’s voice in a world of such chaos.

Brooke Reading to Caleb one day before nap.  He was tired!!

Brooke Reading to Caleb one day before nap. He was tired!!

Caleb came to our bed the other morning and slept in with daddy!  I loved this rare moment.

Caleb came to our bed the other morning and slept in with daddy! I loved this rare moment.


¹  Lyrics found at

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