The Making of David

What ingredients went into making David a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14)? We must put these same ingredients into our own lives and use them as parents to raise our children. In the opening chapter of David’s life, when he is anointed by Samuel to be the future king, we see six ingredients that combined to make him a great man of God (1 Sam. 16).

  1. Shape your heart (v. 6-7). God looks at our hearts. He doesn’t focus on outward appearances as the world does, but instead focuses on the heart. We must seek to shape the motives, desires, attitudes, and purity of our heart (Mark 7:14-23). We must control our influences and keep a tender heart.
  2. See value in work (v. 11). David was out tending the sheep when Samuel came to anoint him. As a young man he learned the value of hard work and responsibility. As parents we do our children no favor, by failing to require chores, work, and responsibility.
  3. Spend time alone and outdoors (v. 11). David spent hours outside watching the sheep. He had lots of time to reflect on the beauty of nature, which flowed to his pen in the Psalms. Nature renews us. It helps us to find our emotional and spiritual center. We need time away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd to reconnect with the grandness of our God. Children today desperately need unstructured play outdoors for health, exercise, and creativity.
  4. Seek God’s Spirit (v. 13). David was given the Lord’s Spirit. We must realize we cannot accomplish our dreams and God’s plans without walking with God. We are nothing without Him. Both in our own lives and in the lives of our children we must install a deep faith that says, “I can do all things through Christ” (Phil. 4:13).
  5. Develop valor (v. 18). David is described as a man of valor. Valor is an old term that involves courage in the face of danger. As the world grows more wicked the church needs men and women of valor. Teach your kids to be courageous, or the world will eat them alive! It takes valor to stand against sin, against the crowd, and with the Lord. David defeated Goliath, because he possessed valor!
  6. Gain wisdom from unpleasant experiences (v. 21-23). David is drafted into King Saul’s service to play music in order to ease Saul’s depressed moods. This will involve difficult service for David who will even have spears thrown at him by Saul. But what a learning experience for David! David learned what not to do or be as a king by watching the example of Saul. Often we grow the most by doing the hard task.

These six principles were the ingredients that made David a great man of God. Are they a part of your life? Are you trying to put these ingredients into the life of your child?

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