The Color of the Soul

Photo by Ricardo Viana on Unsplash

We see life in color.  The first thing we notice is color.  We notice the color of someone’s clothes, hair, and skin.  We have thousands of color choices to use in painting a wall.  Marketers consider background and font colors when printing advertisements.  We want to use color printers, because black and white is too drab and boring.  We live in color.

But what about what we can’t see in color?

In his autobiography entitled “12 years a Slave” Solomon Northup recounts the conversation he heard on a Louisiana plantation.  A white transient carpenter was talking to a cruel slaveowner.  He asked these questions.

“Is everything right because the law allows it?”

“In the sight of God, what is the difference between a white man and a black one?

“Are all men created free and equal as the Declaration of Independence holds they are?

“What difference is there in the color of the soul?”

Doesn’t this last question get to the heart of the matter?  Why do we make such a distinction based on the outward color, when the most important part of every person, the soul, knows no color!  God cares about the condition of our souls (Mat. 16:26)!

Racism, prejudice, and favoritism would all end if we focused on the color of the soul, rather than the color of the skin!  Choose to see beyond the color of skin.  Realize souls are colorless and every soul is in deep need of love, peace, and kindness.  Ultimately, the hope and salvation for every soul can only come through Jesus!

“Truly, I understand that God shows no partiality” (Acts 10:34).

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