Responsibilities of Harvest

Harvest is here. Farmers are in the fields harvesting crops and will be gathering them for the next several months. One of my favorite books of the Old Testament, Ruth, is set in the context of the barley harvest. Ruth and her mother-in-law have returned back to Bethlehem, which is an agricultural area with fertile soil. In fact, the term Bethlehem means “House of Bread.” These two widowed ladies are broken, poverty-stricken, and bitter of soul (Ruth 1-2). When they return in the midst of harvest, we see two clear principles in the book for the responsibilities of harvest.

First, there is personal responsibility to gather your harvest. Ruth was destitute. She needed grain. She went out to the fields to collect the fallen grain after the reapers had gone through the fields. She collected the left-overs! Our farmers have to gather their grain. While the methods have changed to using large equipment, the result is still the same. The grain has to be gathered! It takes work and effort. This principle of personal responsibility needs to be applied to all people. You shouldn’t just expect to get paid, have blessings, and receive your food on your plate, without putting in the work for it. You have a part to play. Ruth didn’t sit back and play the role of the victim. She got out and gathered the leftovers so her and Naomi could survive.

Second, there is a sharing responsibility when gathering your harvest. Boaz, the farmer in the story, was gathering his barley harvest. God gave instructions in the old law for providing for the poor. He was willingly to share the grain that fell. In fact, he will even give her some of the grain and let her glean amongst the sheaves; intentionally pulling some out from the bundles for her (Ruth 2:14-16; 3:15). God always expects us to share our harvest with others–be it the grain from the fields or the paycheck from the company (Prov. 22:9; 1 Tim. 6:18)!

It’s harvest time in Kentucky. This ancient tradition should remind us of our responsibilities. Our responsibility to gather our own harvest and our duty to share what we gather. Basic principles we teach our kids, but ones that would change our world if applied by adults!

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