Reaping the Whirlwind

The prophet Hosea wrote that Israel was sowing the wind and would reap the whirlwind (Hos. 8:7). The powerful and evocative image convicts Israel of having sown what was worthless and profitless, and thus reaping the same with interest. The harvest to follow would be one of violence and destruction!

When I see the current events going on throughout America involving violence, rioting, looting, autonomous zones, shootings, defunding police campaigns, and the attacking of historical figures I feel we are reaping the whirlwind. The events of today are happening because of the seeds that were sown over the last three decades. The philosophy called “Postmodernism” became the spirit of the age throughout the 90s and beyond. This philosophy became a part of our national thought process and method of formulating our values and beliefs. Postmodernism, while not without a few worthy contributions, pushed such tenets as anti-authoritarianism, anti-institutional, anti-traditional, and placed the highest value on tolerance and inclusivity. It is pluralistic, which means numerous ideas must be considered equal in value and correctness. It is relativistic, which means that absolute truth or objective truth does not exist, but truth is relative to the individual, the circumstance, or the society. Postmodernism is highly relational and values emotions and experiences over reason and logic.

Contrary to what is often believed, philosophy impacts the average person and the culture as a whole. It just takes years for it to trickle down from the ivory tower to the streets, though this time has been accelerated with modern media. Over the last three decades truth has been under attack. Authority and traditional institutions have been maligned and disrespected. Those below the age of 40 have not known any other prevailing thought of culture than postmodernism. What preachers have been warning about and teaching about regarding the dangers of this philosophy and the problems that come from shoving truth to the curb over the last 30 years has now produced a harvest.

What you are seeing isn’t by accident! It is because we have planted the seeds over the last three decades. It is harvest time! What you sow you will reap (Gal. 6:7). We have sowed the wind and are reaping the whirlwind.

The prophet Hosea also said, “Come, let us return to the Lord; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up” (Hos. 6:1).

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