Leading Like Jesus

Was Jesus a great leader? This question may seem blasphemous to even ask, because the answer is so assumed by us today. After all, he has led millions to follow him down through the ages. So let me ask the question more directly, “Was Jesus a great leader by the world’s standards?”

The world’s common standards for great leadership are success, status, and standing. We want leaders who are powerful, good-looking, successful, wealthy, talented, and capable. They need to demonstrate success, maintain social status, and have political standing within their sphere. Jesus’ earthly ministry from a world’s perspective failed at all of these. His ministry ended in crucifixion with his followers all fleeing. He lacked success, status, and political standing. He was crucified between thieves after being found guilty in a court of law. Jesus was no Jack Welch, Knute Rockne, or president.

So if Jesus wasn’t a great leader by the world’s standards how did he lead in such a way that transformed human culture and society from his life down to today? He was a great teacher! The bulk of his work was teaching. His teachings transformed hearts and minds then and now. His teaching demonstrated love and care for humanity. His teaching involved a shepherd model wherein he gave an example for his followers in word and deed (John 10).

His method of leadership wasn’t material success, social status, or political standing. Rather his method was to draw followers and teach them the truth of God. Thus, it is no wonder that when he passes the leadership mantle on to his Apostles he instructs them to “feed his sheep” (John 21:15-19). They were to be great leaders through being great teachers.

The church must be reminded today that great leadership within its buildings and outside in the community doesn’t come through success, status, or standing, but comes through teaching God’s word. Elders lead through teaching. Preachers lead through teaching. Christians lead others to Christ through teaching. Sadly, leadership today has been redefined as vision-casting, influence, administration, and reputation. While these have their place, the leader who desires to follow Christ’s method must realize the greatest and most powerful way to lead other is by teaching them God’s truth.


Ideas for this post taken from Great Leader, Great Teacher by Gary Bredfeldt (ch. 3).

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