How Big of Question Can Your God Answer?

Questions by immrchris from

Stephen Hawking final book was published this week.  It is called Brief Answers to the Big Questions.  He died this past March after a long bought with Lou Gehrig’s disease.   Of course he tackles the most important question anyone can ask, “Is there a God?”  He writes, “We are each free to believe what we want, and it’s my view that the simplest explanation is that there is no God.  No one created the universe, and no one directs our fate.”

He logically follows his belief by saying that belief in an afterlife was just “wishful thinking” and that “when we die, we return to dust.”

But what I found interesting was the question he would ask God if there happened to be one.  It is “however, did he think of anything as complicated as M-theory in eleven dimensions.”  M-theory is a theory of physics that “unifies all consistent versions of superstring theory.”  I don’t know what that means!

But here is the point for us to consider.  His God, which he didn’t believe in, but if he did was limited in that how could he have come up with something as complicated as M-theory physics.  This brings up a great fundamental question for us Christians to consider.

How big of a question can your God answer?

Is there anything your God could not answer?  Is there any question you could ask to stump God?

Job had a list of accusations and questions he wanted to ask God, but after being overwhelmed with His might and power he laid his hand on his mouth (Job 40:4).  We need to challenge our own thoughts in God.  It is not enough to simply believe in God.  We must believe in the God of the Bible who is All-knowing and All-powerful.

My God is so big, there is nothing my God cannot do!

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  (Isaiah 55:8–9)


Source article – “There is No God,” Hawking Writes in Final Book 


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