Get Clear in 2021

2021 is moving quickly. Your New Year’s resolutions may already be slipping away. I have a good exercise for you to consider before more of 2021 slips by without accomplishing your goals. Consider this little formula, taken from a business book, for your life.

“Clarity drives confidence, and confidence drives commitment!”*

  1. Clarify your Aims. Spend some time reflecting what is your target goal for this year. You can’t do it all, but you can focus and do a lot! Get clear! If you want a stronger marriage, clarify that is your aim and goal. If you want to lose weight, clarify this is your priority. If you want to finish school, clarify that as your aim. If you want to get control of your finances, then clarify what needs to be done. You have to get clear on what you want to accomplish. If all these goals just hang out there as a nebulous cloud just drifting along, nothing will be your focus. The Old Testament leader Nehemiah got clear on his aim when he heard about the broken wall of Jerusalem. He determined to rebuild the wall.
  2. Clarity will drive your Confidence. Once you get clear, it will give you confidence. Each day when you step on that scale or check that bank account, confidence grows. Small daily wins build your confidence to gain more wins! You harness the power of momentum and focus. Your clarity will drive your confidence! When you get distracted and diverted in your focus, your confidence will wane. Nehemiah gained confidence as the people bought into his vision and started helping him rebuild the wall. With each stone and additional laborer their confidence grew.
  3. Confidence will provide you with Commitment. Confidence will give you the emotional strength and fortitude to be committed to your aim. Commitment involves perseverance, accountability, and focus on results. Commitment keeps your actions moving toward the goal. Nehemiah and his construction workers faced threats of violence from neighboring enemies. They had to be ready to defend themselves and were forced to overcome ridicule. But they were committed to reaching their goal, which they did in 52 days (Neh. 6:15).

Remember . . . . Clarity drives confidence, and confidence drives commitment! You can accomplish your goals in 2021 if you will get clear!

*Frank LaFasto and Carl Larson. When Teams Work Best: 6,000 Team Members and Leaders Tell What it Takes To Succeed (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Pub, 2001) p. 169-172

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