Category: Marriage and Family

10 Simple Ways to Show Your Wife You Choose Her!

This is a post for all you guys out there!  I know most of you rarely read a blog post.  But I am glad you are reading this, even if you are just doing it because she told you too! It is hard to stay focused on being a husband!  We are selfish with all of …

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Caleb Keeps Some Great Time While Leading His Song

You will have to ignore my loud voice at the start of this song, but this is so adorable of Caleb leading his song at Lads to Leaders this last weekend.  He has watched his brothers and sister move their arms at home and wants to be like them!  

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Christian Families and Youth Sports (pt. 3)

Part one in this series deal with the impact youth sports is having upon families and the church.  In part two I discussed highlights from Mike Matheny’s book on youth sports.  In this third and final post I desire to share some of my own suggestions for dealing with youth sports as a Christian parent. …

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Christian Families and Youth Sports (pt. 2)

In part one I discussed the impact of youth sports upon families and how we must seek to manage our involvement with sports.  All of these thoughts I am sharing found their stimulus in Mike Matheny’s book The Matheny Manifesto.  Mike is the current manager of the St. Louis Cardinals.  The book was excellent.  It …

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Christian Families and Youth Sports (pt. 1)

I want to release three posts on the topic: This one (part 1) on the importance of considering how we handle youth sports. A second part sharing some highlights from Mike Matheny’s book on the topic. And a third post with some suggestions I would like to make to families.  So join me in reading …

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Portable Basketball Goal Families!

The kids got a nice portable basketball goal in October.  I was determined to take good care of this goal. I put the recommended weight in the base and kept the goal low to catch less wind.  However, the goal has still fallen over numerous times.  I purchased some ground spikes from Lowe’s and anchored …

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4 Moments That Help Make a Marriage

Like a car engine needs oil to run, so the moving parts do not create lots of friction and melt down, so a marriage with all of its stress needs lots of love to keep it from burning down. Love needs to be expressed daily to maintain the strong vibes and positive feelings between spouses. …

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A Christian’s Response to the Women’s March

On January 21st, over 500,000 protestors took to the streets of Washington D.C. in what was called the “Women’s March.” Protestors in cities across the U.S. joined in this cause bringing the claimed total to more than a million.  The organizers of the March claimed “the march’s goal was to stand up for equality for …

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Caring for Aging Parents

Americans are living longer and our medical system is the most advanced in history!  Both of these seem like wonderful blessings, but in reality they come with new challenges for our present generation.  One of those is the need to provide care to aging family members. God has always commanded His people to honor and …

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Preachers and Busyness

What do preachers say when you ask them how things have been going? Most all of us will say, “We have been really busy!”  We may even give you way more information than you desired about all the things we have been doing. This is a typical response from most working Americans today. We believe …

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