Category: Life Thoughts

Returning Back: Speaking to Teachers at My High School

I was blessed with a unique opportunity last Friday of returning to my old school.  I attended 1st grade through senior year at South Pemiscot school in Steele, Missouri.  My 1st cousin’s husband was the president of the teacher’s association.  They had an inservice for teachers of all grades and he asked me to share …

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Finding Time for Romance with Kids

Most surveys done on marital happiness indicate a sharp decline after kids come along.  But this is not always the case and doesn’t have to be!    While kids bring lots of challenges, they are also an incredible blessing. I have four children; all 10 and below.  We are in zone coverage and still can’t …

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Russell Wilson Won’t Be Defined by 1 Moment and You Shouldn’t Either

Russell Wilson, the quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks, came to a key crossroads in his life over the last 24 hours after losing the Super Bowl when he threw a goal line interception in the final minute.  He had led his team down the field and they were within 1 yard of scoring a touchdown. …

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Who Gets the Credit?

Who gets the credit? This question is seldom vocalized, but often unconsciously on the mind of everyone. Sports teams struggle with the question. Church leaders struggle with the question. Preachers secretly ask themselves, “will I get the credit?” when this succeeds. Elders just wonder why the preacher gets the credit and they get the blame! Husbands …

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Maybe The Best Thing I Have Done for My Ministry

It is hard to say what is the best thing I have done to enrich my ministry.  I have attended various lectureships, received a graduate degree, and read many books. I am blessed by reading ministry related blogs and listening to podcasts.  While all of these continue to enrich my work, maybe the best thing I have done …

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Has Country Music Gone Drunk and Party Crazy?

I grew up listening to country music.  While I was driving a tractor though the summer it was a big chunk of my listening. I still listen to it some, but overall our family’s radio dial isn’t on country music anymore. One of the biggest complaints I have is the amount of songs that focus on …

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Ways to Grow your Faith from My Men’s Class

I gave my men’s class of about 25 men the assignment of recommending something they did in 2014 to build their faith for other men in 2015.  I gave some input to the list, but vast majority of these came from them.  I hope you will consider what you are going to do in 2015 …

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Should Christians Discourage Belief in Santa Claus?

it is that magical time of the year where kids all across the globe look forward to Christmas morning when gifts are arrayed under the tree.  Santa Claus has been a part of Christmas tradition for years, but it seems many Christians today object to this practice.   Those opposed to Santa Claus typically view …

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What Causes Good Works to End?

Churches and ministries are making plans for 2015.  Some good works are ending. Some are past their prime and need to be stopped because they are no longer effective.  But others will not see 2015 because of other reasons. Consider four reasons why good works come to an end.   Immorality – Brotherhood Mutual insurance …

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Let Others Wear their Mourning Garments This Holiday Season

The holidays are approaching.  For the dominant culture it is welcomed and anticipated as the “most wonderful time of the year.”  Yet, for many it is a time they have been dreading.  The calendar is marked off not with anticipation, but with anxiety and fear.  They wonder how they will get through the holidays.  If …

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