Category: Inspirational Story

Embracing a New Season

Fall is the season of football games, pumpkins, and hayrides.  What fall activities do you enjoy the most?  Aren’t you thankful for the changing of the seasons?  Each season contains its own unique characteristics and activities.  It helps provide a rhythm to your years and new adventures to anticipate.  While I hope you are enjoying …

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Thoughts from a 55 year old Bulletin

Mrs. Ruby Sanders, a sweet widow at Seven Oaks, gave me an old bulletin from 7th and College (the location and preceding name of our church).  It was dated Dec. 9, 1962 (almost 55 years ago).  I am sure she had kept it because it announced her marriage to Laddie Sanders.  I enjoyed reading it …

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Jesus Cares When . . .

Hurricanes are destroying our cities!  Cancer is ruining our health and stressing our families.  Mental illness issues are plaguing our communities.  Churches are struggling with discord and division.  In the midst of these trials we must remember God invites us to cast all our care upon him because he cares for us (1 Pet. 5:7). …

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Your Purpose Is Not About You!

You know the question!  You have asked it in various forms.  It goes like this:  What am I here for?  What is my purpose? This is a good question.  Most all of us have asked this question.  We are exploring the purpose and meaning of our existence.  But let me suggest that this is not …

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How We Can Eclipse the Son!

The so-called Great American Total Solar Eclipse will darken the skies across the continent on August 21st.  This is the first time in 99 years a solar eclipse has covered the continent of America.  Here in Western Kentucky we are blessed to be in the “path of totality” that will travel across the U.S.  A …

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Our Trip Back to Roan’s Creek

It had been five years.  Yet, when we returned it seemed like we had never left.  I held a Gospel Meeting with the Roan’s Creek Church of Christ in Clarksburg, Tennessee.  My whole family got to attend the meeting.  It was a wonderful week for us. The Roan’s Creek church traces its history back to …

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How The Church Should Be a Human Chain!

On Saturday evening July 9th, 10 people had been pulled 100 yards off the shore of Panama City Beach.  A riptide had separated these individuals from the shore and was threatening them with drowning.  Some of the ten were adults who had gone trying to rescue two young boys and got pulled into the riptide …

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Finding Your Center!

We live in a world of chaos.  Our lives are like walking through a crowded mall during Christmas.  We are surrounded by stores attractively designed to grasp our attention.  Salesmen working a kiosk booth ask for a few moments of our time to sell us what we have always needed, but never knew we wanted!  …

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Lewis: The Lamb Fearful of Sheep

Lewis is a six months old Barbados Blackbelly sheep on our farm.   His mother died when he was born.  We bottle-fed Lewis for the first two months of his life.  Lewis had a twin brother named Clark, who sadly died unexpectedly at about a month old.  Lewis is strong and healthy. But he has …

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Being a Great Dad Like the Prodigal’s Father

The story of the prodigal son is one of the most famous parables of Jesus (Luke 15:11-32).  It beautifully and simply portrays the love God has for his wayward children.  The father, who represents God in the story, takes center stage displaying love, forgiveness, and parental wisdom.  In studying this story, I noticed six lessons …

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