Category: Bible

Christ’s Victory Over Death

We have returned to wartime eras where the evening news offers grim death counts. The coronavirus pandemic has brought death to the forefront of our nations conscious. The virus has halted our nation because of its power to cause death; it is not the fever or cough that frightens us–it is the possibility of death! …

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Steadfast Love of the Lord

This crisis has shown me the fragility of the world. A small microscopic bug has torn down many permanent fixtures. In a short amount of time businesses are threatened, sports has been put on hold, and fear has swept across our nation. Israel endured many such times throughout the Old Testament. They endured persecution, disease, …

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Keeping Anxiety From Ruling Our Hearts

We live in anxious times. We live in depressing times. We need social interaction and encouragement, yet many are confined to isolation. Fear is thriving. The Apostle Paul could relate to our anxieties. He suffered shipwrecks, imprisonments, countless beatings with whips and rods, vicious attacks from enemies, hunger, exposure to harsh weather. Upon top of …

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What to do when the world is in a panic?

Fear! The uncertainty of the unknown is causing hysteria across our nation in response to the coronavirus. We are canceling annual sporting events that involve millions of dollars because of fear related to public safety. The stock market is crashing. Schools are being dismissed. Toilet paper and cleaning supplies are in high demand. What is …

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Choosing Your Correct Bible Study Level

We are programmed to need an appropriate challenge. We need a habit, skill, or knowledge to be just a little more challenging that our current abilities to inspire us. For example, if you want to play tennis you need to find someone who is close to your same skill level. Playing against a tennis pro …

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Who was Luke?

Most people have heard of the gospel of Luke, it is one of the four gospels which tells the story of Jesus in the New Testament. It’s author, Luke, also wrote the New Testament book of Acts of the Apostles which tells the early history of the church. We have read his words often, but …

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Why Did God Strike Uzzah?

Was God just having a bad day when he broke out against Uzzah striking him dead for touching the ark when it was tipping over? Critics accuse God of having capricious anger. Modern Christians are perplexed at this story; often ascribing these actions to an Old Testament version of God reacting out of wrath and …

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Keeping a Young Spirit

Wendell Needham had grown old. He was an old man facing Parkinson’s and numerous other physical ailments. Yet, each day he read and study his Bible to learn more. He had been retired from ministry for several years and now struggled to go about life’s daily tasks, but his spirit was vibrant. He led daily …

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What’s Playing in Your Ears?

Millennials are known for constantly wearing ear pods. They listen to 75% more music than the Boomer generation does (1). They walk around stores, work at the office, and exercise all while having at least one ear filled with a speaker. Many office managers have come to accept that their employees are going to work …

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Four Priceless Gifts That Don’t Cost a Thing!

Christmas is the season of giving. We purchase gifts for our family and friends and think much about how much they cost. Do you know that you can give some priceless gifts all year long that will not cost you a thing? Here are four priceless gifts that will not cost you a dime! A …

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