Category: Bible

We are Isaac and Jesus is the Ram

Christians know the story of Abraham offering Isaac as a sacrifice  in Genesis 22.  We typically see the foreshadowing of Jesus in Isaac.  Isaac was the “only son” of Abraham and he willingly laid upon the wood that he carried.  The events likely happened on the mount that would one day be the area of the …

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5 Ways You Can Build Up the Church

[important]”Strive to excel in building up the church.” 1 Cor. 14:12[/important] Here are 5 ways to build your local church that most anyone can do! 1.  Attend Bible class on Sunday morning. 2.  Attend worship on Sunday morning. 3.  Attend evening worship on Sunday evening or your small group if your congregation meets in this …

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A Good Story Versus Your Story

I recently read a stirring local book about the murder of the Graves County Sheriff in 1922 by his deputy.  The book entitled “A Courthouse Tragedy” was written by a local lawyer and family relative to some of the key characters.  I enjoyed the book and learned much about Graves County and our city of …

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Stopping the Craziness!

The apostle Peter says a “speechless donkey spoke with a human voice and restrained the prophet’s madness” (2 Pet. 2:16).  Peter is referencing the Old Testament story of Balaam who desired to curse Israel.  He was rebuked in his actions by a donkey who God miraculously allowed to speak.  What was the “madness” of Balaam?  …

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A Stumbling Block is Not a Complainer’s Stone

Paul teaches us in Romans 14:13 not to “put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother.”  Paul is saying, we should consider the person with a weak conscience who has not matured in the faith.  In context the weak are the legalist who are struggling with eating meat offered to idols …

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Can We Understand the Bible?

           The email was clear.  The boss would be away on vacation next week and he had a list of duties he needed me to carry out for him.  I read the list and understood each task; I knew I could do it.  Before leaving work, my wife texted a list …

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Missing the Intent of the Rule

When summer hit we made a rule that our kids could watch one program together when they all were awake.  The rule was put into place because programs were being started when one or two where awake, and then the late sleeper was missing out.  So we made the rule to wait until everyone is up. …

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Heaven will be a Place of . . . .

I was thinking about heaven and these thoughts came to my mind.  I hope they spur your thoughts of heaven.  Feel free to share your thoughts or questions with me. Heaven will be a place free from money.  We lay up our treasures in heaven, but it is not monetary treasures (Mat. 6:19-21).  In heaven, …

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The Longing of Your Soul

For what does your soul long? I asked some teen boys that last night. They said a variety of things.  One heartbreakingly wanted his father who had passed away.  Others  said typical teen boy things like cars, college, graduation, and independence.  I am sure girls were probably a part of the list too! John writes …

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It is NOT Gossip because . . .

We have all heard the line, and we are all skeptical of it. It is the sentence that starts something like this:  “I am not gossiping when I tell you this …” Often after the conversation, we don’t feel good about it! But there are some reasons for sharing negative information about others.  In fact, …

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