Category: Bible

What I Wish Everybody Knew about God

The Lord lives!” declares David.¹  I believe and know that He does.  If I could share a message with everyone about Him, I would want them to know these three things about God. 1.  God is the Creator and Sustainer of life!  “Scientists themselves who calculate the odds of the universe coming into existence by …

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How Close are You to Falling Away?

Most all of us have been to high points overlooking a deep canyon, valley, or waterfall.  Most of these are now located in some type of park and our government has erected barriers or guards to keep people from getting too close to the edge.  They often will have warning signs, telling sightseers to be …

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Giving Our Treasures in Worship

Israel was weak.  So weak the Philistines had taken over Bethlehem, the home of David.  David had fled to a cave stronghold just west of Bethlehem.  While in this cave, David longs for the peace, comfort, and blessings of home.  He states he wishes he could drink from the well by the gate of Bethlehem. …

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Accurate Appraisal

A Picasso painting just sold for 179 million dollars.²  This is the highest sell price of any painting.  The painting was painted in 1955.  It features nude courtesans and is in his signature cubist style.  It is not something I would even allow on my house walls but it sold for 179 million. The Patriots …

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Helping Family is More Important than Money

The story of Boaz and Ruth tells about two worthy individuals who were dedicated to the Lord, the traditions and law of Israel, and their family.  In ancient Israel family loyalty and dedication to family was highly esteemed.  Many today tend to see Ruth as a love story, but it really is more about two …

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Did You Know Uriah was David’s Loyal Friend?

You are probably aware of David’s sin of adultery with Bathsheba (2 Sam. 11).  We rightly talk about David’s lustful actions brought about by viewing her bathing on her rooftop.  But have we considered the treachery and sin of David as it relates to his friendship to Uriah?  Uriah was Bathsheba’s husband.  He is listed …

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Doing Even More than Required

Paul tells Philemon that he is confident of his obedience, even believing he will do even more than he says (v. 21). There are two general categories of people; those who do the bare minimum to scrape by and those who go above and beyond to do a job well. Paul had faith in Philemon …

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The Bible in Our Sound-bite Culture

“Judge not, lest you be judged.” “Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone.” “for the husband is the head of the wife . . .” Hear any of these verses or sayings in our culture today?  We live in a sound-bite culture where messages are often communicated in short-quick statements.  We read …

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Instrumental Music Debate: How Should We Respond?

This article is not intended to give a thorough Biblical defense of a cappella singing in worship (see the footnotes for information on that subject), rather this post assumes the belief in a cappella worship to God. The Otter Creek Church, which is a congregation traditionally associated with the Church of Christ adopted the use of …

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I’m just going to look . . .

Caleb loves peanuts.  He developed a habit of getting them out of the pantry and eating them throughout his day.    As he is getting older, Amanda has started clamping down more on this habit so he will eat his meals good.  The other day it was almost lunch time and Caleb goes to the pantry and …

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