Being a True Friend

Most know the story of David, the famous giant killer in the Bible. He was courageous and powerful as a man of God. He became the famous king of Israel that would foreshadow the coming Christ. But do you know the story of the king-maker behind him? The story of the man who gave up the kingship so his best friend could be king?

Jonathan was king Saul’s son. He was to be the next king, but Saul disobeyed God prompting God to tear the kingdom away from Saul’s descendants. Jonathan became friends with David after he had come to prominence in the famous defeat of Goliath. They were close friends and kingdom leaders spending days around the palace (their story is found in 1 Samuel 18-20).

Jonathan presents three clear challenges for us in our friendships with others.

First, Jonathan refused jealousy. So many friendships are ruined because of jealousy (James 3:14-16). Jonathan, unlike his father who had so much jealousy for David he tried to kill him, refused to be jealous of David’s fame, talents, and future. When tempted to be jealous of a friend, choose to rejoice with a friend.

Second, Jonathan recognized potential in his friend. Jonathan saved a nation by building a leader. He yielded to God’s plan, following the same principles that John the Baptist would express years later about Christ, “He must increase, and I must decrease” (John 3:30). Saul expressed to Jonathan that David was taking his throne and implored him to help destroy David (1 Sam. 20:30-34). But Jonathan chose to help his friend rise higher and to greater successes than he would ever experience. We all need friends like that and we need to be such a friend to others.

Third, Jonathan remained trustworthy and loyal to his friend. Through all the turmoil of his father’s madness and David’s coming and going, Jonathan never wavered. He stayed true to his friend. He was honest, trustworthy, and loyal. David could depend upon him.

What type of friend are you?

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