Audio Resources

Preacher: Josh Ketchum (13), Eric Lyons (3), John Dale (2).
Book: Psalm (1), John (2), Romans (1), 1 Corinthians (1), 2 Timothy (3), James (1), 2 Peter (2).
Service: Sunday Evening (9), Sunday Morning (6), Special event (3).
Date: 2013 (1), 2014 (3), 2015 (5), 2017 (3), 2018 (1), 2019 (5)

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Sermons (18)

What was the real "Jurassic World" Like?
(Part of the 6 Questions - Eric Lyons series).
Preached by Eric Lyons on August 1, 2015 (Special event).
Is the Bible Accurate and True?
(Part of the 6 Questions - Eric Lyons series).
Preached by Eric Lyons on July 31, 2015 (Special event).
Be Doers of the Word
James 1:17-27 (Part of the Christian Living series).
Preached by Josh Ketchum on February 22, 2015 (Sunday Evening).
Why the Bible School is Important
(Part of the Church series).
Preached by John Dale on January 18, 2015 (Sunday Morning).
Why Study the Bible
(Part of the Christian Living series).
Preached by Josh Ketchum on October 26, 2014 (Sunday Evening).
Paying Attention to the Word
2 Peter 1:18-21 (Part of the Christian Living series).
Preached by John Dale on August 17, 2014 (Sunday Evening).
Your Ministry - Personal Devotion
(Part of the Christian Living series).
Preached by Josh Ketchum on January 5, 2014 (Sunday Morning).
7 Things the Word of God is Like
(Part of the Various Sermons series).
Preached by Josh Ketchum on December 1, 2013 (Sunday Evening).
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