2017 archive

Austin and Brooke’s PGA Junior League Golf

We are having fun playing golf this summer.  Our two oldest children, Austin and Brooke are playing in a league.  They play in matches or games that involve our team playing another team.  They pair up into two man scramble teams and take on two players from the other team.  They have done well.  I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/austin-and-brookes-pga-junior-league-golf/

Finding Your Center!

We live in a world of chaos.  Our lives are like walking through a crowded mall during Christmas.  We are surrounded by stores attractively designed to grasp our attention.  Salesmen working a kiosk booth ask for a few moments of our time to sell us what we have always needed, but never knew we wanted!  …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/finding-your-center/

Lewis: The Lamb Fearful of Sheep

Lewis is a six months old Barbados Blackbelly sheep on our farm.   His mother died when he was born.  We bottle-fed Lewis for the first two months of his life.  Lewis had a twin brother named Clark, who sadly died unexpectedly at about a month old.  Lewis is strong and healthy. But he has …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/lewis-the-lamb-fearful-of-sheep/

Musings on Lee and Grant and the Civil War

I just finished listening to William C. Davis’ book Crucible of Command:  Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee–The War They Fought, the Peace They Forged.  The book is 688 pages in hardcover and took over 24 hours to listen to it.  I listened to it over a period of 4 months.  I really enjoyed …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/musings-on-lee-and-grant-and-the-civil-war/

Being a Great Dad Like the Prodigal’s Father

The story of the prodigal son is one of the most famous parables of Jesus (Luke 15:11-32).  It beautifully and simply portrays the love God has for his wayward children.  The father, who represents God in the story, takes center stage displaying love, forgiveness, and parental wisdom.  In studying this story, I noticed six lessons …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/being-a-great-dad-like-the-prodigals-father/

The Benefits of an In-State Mission Trip!

I preach for the Seven Oaks Church of Christ in Mayfield, Kentucky.  Kentucky has several counties that have only one church of Christ.  Now that my kids are getting older, I wanted to lead a group, with the help of my wife, to one of these congregations this year to preach a meeting and hold …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/the-benefits-of-an-in-state-mission-trip/

New Issues for Today’s Parents

Parenting has always been tough.  Great Biblical heroes struggled to be good parents.  David was a great king and psalmist but failed in numerous ways as a parent.  Samuel and Eli both had rebellious sons who brought shame to their legacy.  Jesus even pictures God the Father as having a rebellious son in the parable …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/new-issues-for-todays-parents/

Have We Turned Shepherds into Fences?

The Bible speaks often about shepherds.  God is the Shepherd of Israel, who is the flock of His pasture (Ps. 23; 95).  Jesus describes himself as the “good shepherd” who knows his sheep and leads them to an abundant life (John 10).  Elders or overseers of the church are described in the New Testament as …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/have-we-turned-shepherds-into-fences/

Farm Report # 10: A Busy Winter!

We have had lots of activity on the farm the first 5 months of the year.  Here are a few significant things!  We bottle fed two lambs!  We named them Lewis and Clark.  Unfortunately after about 4 weeks, Clark died very suddenly.  He was always a little weak, but he seemed to be doing well. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/farm-report-10-a-busy-winter/

7 Biblical Principles Not About Marriage That Will Transform Your Marriage

So often when we study the Bible regarding marriage we look to the classic texts.  Passages like Genesis 2, Matthew 19, and Ephesians 5. Those are great texts on the topic, but the whole Bible shares principles that are helpful for this most foundational of all relationships.  Here are seven Bible principles I have chosen …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/7-biblical-principles-not-about-marriage-that-will-transform-your-marriage/