Your Life Chart

Look at the following three charts and consider which one   the Christian should adopt?

Chart 1:  Your LIfe


Life Pie Chart


Chart 2: Your List of Priorities


Chart 3: God is the Spoke of Your Life’s Wheel




I think the third chart: “God is the spoke of Life’s Wheel” should be the chart Christians choose.

The first chart represents the way most people live their life.  It is the compartmentalized philosophy of life.  The temptation is to seperate our lives into these different aspects and then act accordingly when we are in that compartment. Thus, the Lord is often relegated to just one aspect of our lives.  We don’t consider him when we are dealing with money, relationships, work, or our entertainment.  Saturday night and Sunday morning are separate events.

The second chart represents a traditional priority list.  This one has never worked well for me either.  Try testing that one by the amount of hours and energy you put into the priorities.  I bet you will find that work is often highest on the list when it comes to hours, but it is third on the list.  This type of list is inadequate too and leads to compartmentalizing your life. 

The last chart represents an attempt to put God as the center of our life.  He is the “bull’s eye” that all of our life is aiming.  This is what kingdom living is all about. Jesus said “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness” (Mat. 6:33). James taught us that everything should be lived under the umbrella of the “Lord’s will” (James 4:15).  Paul taught us to do all in the name of Christ (Col. 3:17).  We should allow God to influence all areas of our lives.

How would you diagram or chart the philosophy of your life?


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1 comment

  1. Chart three makes the most sense because God should influence all decisions that we make in this life. This is how I chart my life.

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