You Can Always Do Dishes

by ktanriover at

by ktanriover at

My sister-in-law moved into our home back in February.  That makes 4 kids (8 and younger) and 3 adults in our 3 bedroom home.  Well, it was three bedroom until Ashley came and then the front living room became her bedroom!  She will be marrying a fine young man from West Kentucky on June 1st.

Amanda and I are really going to miss Ashley’s help.  Most would probably think this would be an inconvenience and fraught  with possibilities of tension.  Rather it has gone smoothly, and actually helped us by giving us another adult to help with a small baby.

Much of the success is due to Ashley’s attitude.  She came in with an attitude of “I can always do dishes.”  She has been amazed at how many dishes we have in our home.  She is already thinking of getting two dishwashers when she has a family!  I have appreciated her, because I used to do dishes while Amanda was cooking or taking care of the kids.

But there is a powerful lesson here for all of us.  Dishes are no fun, but they don’t require a tremendous skill either.  They require effort!  It is just a menial task that needs to be done daily.  The thing that makes Ashley’s attitude special is her willingness to jump in and do this simple task as a servant to bless the home.  

There are always plenty of “I can always do dishes” tasks.  How many chores need to be done in the church or at home?  How many tasks are no fun, but just keep piling up until someone does them.  Jobs that get little recognition, but allow the family or church to operate at maximum potential.

Jesus was a “I can always do dishes” person!  He was a servant (Mark 10:45). He was willing to do the lowest of tasks, like washing his disciples feet (John 13).  

This last Friday night, about 6 of our men came to the Ladies’ night, as they do each year and literally washed dishes for hours.  They help in the kitchen washing up pots and pans while the ladies are out eating and listening to the speaker.  It makes a huge difference in the enjoyment and success of the night for the ladies.

My challenge to you, and to me, is to be a “I can always do dishes” person. Look for opportunities to do simple tasks that serve others.   At your local congregation, quit waiting for someone to ask you to do something, find something that needs doing and do it.  There are plenty of “dishes” that need to be done.  For a family that is struggling, find ways to serve them.  You can always do dishes! 

Speaking of that, I may need to bookmark this post come June 1st, when Ashley moves out and the dishes are pilling up as Amanda is swamped with work!  I might just need a reminder to be a servant!

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