What To Expect When You Visit a Christian Counselor.

Christian Counseling.001This is a guest post by Joseph Williams who has written a series of posts for me regarding Christian counseling. This is the 2nd post.  Please check out the other ones as well.  


Here are some things you should expect when you visit a Christian counselor.  

• The first visit is for paperwork and getting to know you, your situation, and your history. The second visit will go more in-depth and the counselor begins to help you formulate a plan to help you.
• The counselor will definitely pray for you outside of the counseling session but may pray with you in the session with your permission.
• Scripture will be incorporated as appropriate but you should not be preached at.

Rights are those things people deserve to have, no matter who they are or what they have done.

You should have the following rights when you seek Christian Counseling.

• The right to be free from exploitation of any type.
• The right to confidentiality regarding your client record and the fact of your being a client.
• The right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.
• The right not to be forced to participate in any activities that involve risk to health and physical well being.
• The right to have your next appointment within ten days or sooner if needed.
• The right to cancel and reschedule your appointment with advance notice.
• The right to seek a second opinion from another counselor.
• The right to terminate counseling at any time.
• The right to ask for or refuse prayer.
• The right to receive confidential communications of your record and appointment times.
• The right to insert statements into your confidential record.
• The right to provide input to your treatment plan and participate when the treatment plan is revised.
• The right to receive a client copy of your confidential record.

Joseph A. Williams, MSW, LCSW, BCPCC
Founder of Williams Christian Counseling
209 E Sunset Dr
Mayfield, KY 42066-3265


For referrals to Christian counselor’s.
1. Ask your local minister or elder for a referral to a Christian Counselor in the community.
2. The American Association of Christian Counselor’s keeps a counselor referral database. To view it go to –http://www.aacc.net/resources/find-a-counselor/
3. Focus on the Family keeps a counselor referral database. To view it go to –http://www.focusonthefamily.com/counseling/find-a-counselor.aspx

Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/what-to-expect-when-you-visit-a-christian-counselor/