What Causes Good Works to End?

picture by cobrasoft at freeimages.com

picture by cobrasoft at freeimages.com

Churches and ministries are making plans for 2015.  Some good works are ending. Some are past their prime and need to be stopped because they are no longer effective.  But others will not see 2015 because of other reasons.

Consider four reasons why good works come to an end.  

  1. Immorality – Brotherhood Mutual insurance reports that church fraud exceeds what churches give to missions.  Using the term church in a generic way for all Christian groups they state, “Church crime continues to grow—estimated at $100 million each day. Increasing at an annual rate of nearly six percent, researchers expect church financial fraud to reach the $60 billion mark by 2025. That’s still not the whole picture. About 80 percent of all cases of church fraud go unreported and therefore are not included in statistics.”¹  While those numbers may seem staggering to your local church setting.  Consider over the years how many good works ended because of dishonesty, fraud, or mismanagement.  Included under immorality would also be adultery and sexual misconduct.  Many ministers and ministries have taken devastating blows because of sexual misconduct.
  2. Strife and Jealousy –  Paul and Barnabas had a sharp disagreement that ended their co-ministry together.  James says that where “jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice” (3:16).  The preacher and the youth minister can’t stand each other and the church takes sides accordingly.  The mission team argues about their assignments, work load, rules, and leadership.  Bible school teachers fuss with one another about supplies and material.  A benevolent ministry leader feels slighted by the elders who cut their budget and did not recognize them for their effort.  This creates conflict within the church.  Strife and jealousy are two of Satan’s biggest tools to end successful ministries and mission efforts.
  3. Pride or Selfishness – Pride focuses on what “I” am doing and sees the negative and problems with the group called “they.”  When a ministry leader or worker forgets that the cause is bigger than themselves, problems occur.  The Bible is filled with examples of good works and good men and women being brought low because of pride.  When we get to thinking about what is in it for us or how we should be recognized; we are yielding to pride.  When we begin to think our ministry is more important than other ministries, problems are soon to come.  Preachers must constantly be on guard against this sin.  Sadly many effect servants of the Lord end their ministries with a church with bitterness, and a big part is their selfish pride that believed too much of the hype about themselves.
  4. The Lord – Satan is not the only spiritual being that is involved in ending ministries.  Sometimes God will close the door because he wants us to go another direction.  It may become obvious that it is closed now through some of the above devices of Satan, but the Lord can still use this outcome.  Paul dealt with this reality all through his mission work.  We need to always prayerfully consider whether a good work should be stopped.  It may be that a dead horse needs to be shot!  In other words, it is time to move on.  Church members should be supportive and respectful of elders when they decide to end a ministry.

Why do you think good works come to an end?


¹   http://www.brotherhoodmutual.com/index.cfm/resources/ministry-safety/article/church-fraud/


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