Validate and Respect the Work of Others

by svilen001 at "Online Jobs Concept"

by svilen001 at
“Online Jobs Concept”

Have you noticed we all tend to think our work is more important than others?

Really, be honest, don’t you often feel disrespected in your work?  Like few really understand its’ challenges and your hard work.  The truth is–most don’t.  Do we really know the challenges of a junior high teacher, unless we are one?  What about the stay-at-home mother?  What about the work of an elder or deacon?  White-collar and blue-collar workers compare their respective works with rose-tinted glasses, both not understanding and often disrespected the other’s work.

Here is the thing, everybody’s work is important to them.  It has challenges and issues which we often have no idea regarding.  It is unique and valuable.  They are playing a role in the community, their family, and hopefully, in the kingdom of God.  They have a unique position of influence.

So here is my challenge for you and me: validate and respect others’ work.

So many of us are quick to judge, criticize, and envy the work of others.  We fuse about how they do their work or why they make it seem so important.  Those issues are for another blog post, but for now, consider what differences it would make in your relationships if you determined to validate, respect, and seek to understand the work of those around you.  You want them to respect yours, so start by respecting theirs.

“So I saw that there is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his work, for that is his lot.” (Ecc. 3:22)


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