To My Little Girl on Her 6th Birthday

This is my letter to Brooke on her 6th birthday — April 6, 2013.

Brooke at Easter 2013

Brooke at Easter 2013



          I loved holding you as a baby.  You were so precious.  I would come home from work and sit in my recliner and rock you.  Mom always poked fun at how I softy patted your little bottom, so differently than the boys.  I hope I never forget how when you would cry in the night and would be standing in your crib, I would come in and give you your paci and blanket.  You would fall back to the bed, like I just knocked you out.  I had to learn to catch you and lay you down, so you wouldn’t get hurt!  You didn’t talk for a while with words, you just grunted and pointed.  You got your point across well.  But now, more and more, as I look at you I realize you are no longer my little baby,, but you are my little girl.  I try not to think much about how you are quickly becoming my little lady.  This past Easter you looked so beautiful and sweet.  I love how you bounce through life.  Grinning this infectious grin that lights up a room.  You live in the moment, operate on your own time schedule — wait a minute, I am not even sure you know there is time as slow as you are!   You are shy and quiet, yet you can’t quit talking to us.  You are so smart and are amazing with your reading ability.  You have an incredible ability to hear stories in Bible class and then repeat them to us.  You are very observant, yet also very much in your own world.  You are both a princess and a tomboy with your three brothers.  You can be stubborn and it is hard on both of us not to laugh when I grab you by the chin and and look you in the eyes to correct you; your lip is touching the floor, eyes are avoiding contact, and you are trying with all your might to be mad.  But you just can’t do it and you break out in a smile as your eyes hit mine!  You are so dainty and a big worrier, but when you get sick as you have been much with your asthma, you are the toughest, best attitude, sick child in the world.  You desire to be a little mother, and you are to Caleb and your plethora of animals, Barbies, and dolls. but my heart just keeps seeing how you are becoming your mother.  You have my heart.  I love you and am proud of you.  I just wish, I could put that brick on your head and stop you from growing so much, because I love my little girl!

        I pray for your 6th year that you will know joy, peace, and happiness as a child should.  I hope you will feel secure, loved, and special.  I pray you will learn more of God’s word, His love for you, and continue to develop a servant’s heart.  I pray you will continue to become more like your mother, who is a picture of a godly wife and mother.  I pray you will run freely, giggle often, share your emotions appropriately, learn to handle not getting your way, and manage the challenge of being the only sister with three brothers.  I pray you will continue to give the best hugs in the world.  I pray your mom and I can raise you with wisdom, love, discipline, and patience.

I love you,



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  1. […] Brooke turned 9 today!  We can’t believe she is growing so fast.  Just a short time ago I wrote about her being six. […]

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