The Wrong Assumption We Often Make with Jesus

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We know the end of the story.

We have heard it many times before.

We understand that there was no other way.

We understand that all of history looked to this moment.

The prophets had foretold its accomplishment.

So we forget that it didn’t have to go that way!  

We miss out on a tremendously important emotional and spiritual point about the love of Christ and the story of the gospel if we assume that Jesus did not have a choice.  

Jesus had a choice.  Jesus was challenged with the choice all throughout His time on earth.

  • He could have failed the temptations (Mat. 4:1-11).  They were real temptations that appealed greatly to his fleshly side.  He could have failed. 
  • He could have grown so discouraged and discontent with the apostle’s failings, He could have given up.  
  • The choice became so heavy upon His heart that in Gethsemane He prayed to His Father to let the cup pass.  He struggled between His will and the Father’s will. The Father could have saved Him from death (Heb. 5:8-9).  His soul was “very sorrowful, even to death.”  His legs would not hold him up, as he fell face to the ground (Mat. 26:36-46).  He struggled with the choice!
  • He could have called 10 legions of angels to clean house (Mat. 26:53)!  Can you imagine the angels listening and ready to answer His bidding in heaven.
  • He could have come down off of the cross.  He chose to stay there the entire time until all was fulfilled (John 19:28).

[important]We forget this point!  Jesus said, “No one takes [my life] from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.  I have authority to lay it down and I have authority to take it up again.”[/important]

This is so significant because:

  • It makes the example of Jesus for our own life more powerful.  We struggle each day with the same struggle He faced with Satan in the temptations or with himself in the garden.  His example holds power, only if we remember, He had a choice (Heb. 4:15). 
  • It makes us marvel at His restraint and submission as He had great power and authority, but He chose to deny self and love us (1 Peter 2:21-25). 
  • It makes His love more amazing and profound.  It was not the nails that held Christ, it was His love.

We must remember Christ had a choice.  He could have failed.  It was not a movie script, it was life, blood, sweat, tears, and agony.  

He died willingly for you and me.  

Do we willingly die for Him? 


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