The Power of YouTube

Check out this infographic about YouTube.  It is pretty phenomenal.

I first got it from Thom Rainer’s blog where he referenced it at Social News Daily.

See my brief comments at the bottom.




I was amazed when I first read this because we have not watched Youtube that often.  In the last year we have watched more of them and I now see the entertainment value of it.  I do fear the nature of much of the content and its easy access.

My point for this infographic is to ask those of us in the church, how are we using this powerful, free tool?  Youtube and other services like it are going to be here to stay.  We have to find ways to capitalize on this to share the gospel, strengthen churches, and impact families.

Here are some of my thoughts (I hope you have better ones):

  • Churches can use it for publicizing events and activities.
  • We need more Christian comedy videos that entertain us in a wholesome way.
  • We need more positive encouragement like the Kid President videos.  These have received national attention.  They are members of the church and are making a difference in the world.   Check them out on Youtube if you haven’t seen them.  “Pep Talk” is his most famous.
  • We need more things for families and marriages.  We did a devotional series here at Seven Oaks a few years back utilizing Youtube.  I still get occasional updates of people using it. Recently a lady from Canada used it at a family retreat they had at her church.
  • We need more Bible teaching on it.  But this needs to be quality and well done.  I don’t know that just putting sermons up is the way to go.
  • We need to consider using Google+ Hangouts to record classes and interviews to make a positive difference for Christ.  Dale and Jeff Jenkins are doing this now with their Hangouts where they interview various preachers.
  • We need some Christian news programs that are short, yet discuss the current news events from a Christian perspective.
  • We need our missionaries too utilize this media more to share their work with their supporters.

I know much of this is being done and most I am probably unaware regarding.  This is another way for folks to use their talent.  We need to find talented video people in our churches and start using their talents.

What other ideas do you have of how we can effectively use video?

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