The Longing of Your Soul

Eye for Detail by asifthebes at

Eye for Detail by asifthebes at

For what does your soul long?

I asked some teen boys that last night. They said a variety of things.  One heartbreakingly wanted his father who had passed away.  Others  said typical teen boy things like cars, college, graduation, and independence.  I am sure girls were probably a part of the list too!

John writes in Revelation about the collapse of Babylon and the harlot: [important]”The fruit for which your soul longed, has gone from you and all your delicacies and your splendors are lost to you, never to be found again.” (Rev. 18:14).  [/important]

He is talking about the Roman empire which was consumed with greed and lust.  The earlier verses list off an array of material treasures that they had sought like gold, silver, jewels, spices, horses, chariots, and slaves.  They had put all of their hope and energy into seeking these possession and now they are all taken away in their fall.

That is how it is with sin!  If we long for something that is ungodly and sinful, once we attain it, we will not have satisfaction.  

Remember the story of Amnon and Tamar his half-sister.  He longed to have her so much that he plotted how he could get her.  After she was sent to prepare food for him, he forcibly raped her.  Then the Bible says, “Amnon hated her with a very great hatred, so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her.”¹  This story has been repeated in various ways countless times through the centuries.  Though it is not always a rape, but any immoral sexual encounter.  Sex outside of God’s boundaries is going to leave your soul empty and not attaining your longing.  It promises satisfaction, but leaves an unfilled longing and lots of other problems!

How many people have longed for riches and wealth only to be miserable once they attain it, having exchanged their soul for the world!

God is the only longing that will truly satisfy.  A longing for righteousness, goodness, love, mercy, and peace.  A longing for holiness and purity.  A longing for seeking first the kingdom of God.  This longing will fulfill.

But sadly, most of our world is like the great Harlot of Revelation the fruit for which their soul longs has gone from them.  What is sadder yet, is that they still keep chasing it and other vain longings.  

[important]The real question for you and I is:  “For what fruit do we long?”[/important]


  1. 2 Sam. 13:15



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