The Church is Not About You!

Posse by Rubenshito at

Posse by Rubenshito at

Often the church’s sells pitch today to church-lookers  focuses on all the church can do for them.

Come here because we have an active youth program, daycare ministry, a wonderful preacher who gives challenging, practical sermons, great music, and great small groups ministry where you can make lots of friends.

This is what our consumer-driven society has demanded from churches trying to “compete” in this culture.  

This is the trap that most churches have fallen into in their outreach efforts.  This approach becomes translated as “the church is about you.”  What this leads to is church-goers with little commitment, who are with the congregation for what it can give them.  This methodology does not make disciples of Christ.

Why don’t we instead use this sell’s pitch:  “The church is not about you!”  The church is really about something far greater and bigger than you!  When you become a part of the church, Christ’s blood-bought body on earth, you share in the greatest work on earth.¹  You get to participate in the only truly eternal work in all the world.  You fight the ageless conflict between good and evil doing battle with the forces of darkness in this world.  You get to be part of God’s family on earth, which gives you people to love and people to love you.  You are able to fulfill your created purpose through work and service with the Lord’s people, representing the Lord’s body everywhere you go.²

You see the church is not about you!  Now don’t misunderstand, you will be blessed beyond measure on earth and receive the salvation of your soul eternally, but it is not just about you!  It is about something far greater than just you, it is about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, His eternal Word, and the salvation of a lost and dying world.  You have a life to give and cross to bear.³  

People don’t give their lives for good programs and dynamic preachers, people give their lives for the cause of Christ!  Don’t try to peddle the gospel through human methods, let’s keep the focus on Christ and Him crucified (2 Cor. 2:17).


¹  See some of these passages to learn about the importance of the church.  Matthew 16:16-19; Acts 20:28; Ephesians 1:21-23; 2:13-22; 3:10; 5:22-33;

²  See my lesson on the The Importance of the Church for more information.

³  The original thought for this post came from an illustration I read some time back and have used on multiple occasions in a sermon and blog post by Chris Altrock.  You can find it here.

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1 comment

  1. Very good reminder!

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