Taking Off Your Mask?

by eskimOjO at www.freeimages.com

by eskimOjO at www.freeimages.com

Today is Halloween 2014.  Many people will wear a mask of some sort for their costume.  These are physical masks, but people also wear masks all through the year.  In fact, all of us are guilty at times of wearing masks to hide ourselves.  Adam and Eve immediately tried to hide themselves from God when they sinned.

Why do people wear masks in life?

  1. For protection and safety.  Many wear a mask because they fear others.  When we carry deep emotional wounds and scars it is difficult to allow our true self to be known.  We don’t want to open ourselves up to more hurt and pain.  So we wear a mask pretending to be someone we are not.  We fear judgment and rejection.
  2. We want to deceive.   The families in Genesis illustrate this mask.  Abraham and Sarah lied about their relationship.  Rebekah and Jacob deceived Isaac.  The brothers deceived their father Jabob when they sold Joseph into slavery.  When we lie, we are creating a deception.  We are wearing a mask and hiding the truth.
  3. Because of the expectations of others.  Some people are trying to live up to an expectation set for them by a parent, grandparent, or spouse.  This can often have positive effects, but it can also cause people to act like someone they are not.  They end up living their life for the other person.  They are hiding their true self.
  4. Because of the desire for sinful pleasure.  Sin loves to be in the darkness.  Satan will convince us to keep our sins secret.  To act like a “good Christian” while enjoying our fleshly pursuits.  Many people are wearing a mask when it comes to addictions to drugs and pornography.  Some wear a mask for months as they hide an affair from their spouse.

What should you do with your mask?

We all need to honestly consider what mask we are wearing and to what degree. When we discover we are wearing masks we need to be willing to do three things.

  1. Quit denying you are wearing a mask.  You have to admit your dishonesty.  You have to admit your burden.  You have to be willing to make peace with who you are and stop hiding your soul.
  2. Determine to be transparent and vulnerable.  Do you have any truly intimate relationships?  Family or friends which you can trust to share your sins, heartaches, and struggles.  You have to swallow your pride and quit being a poser and let people come along side you and walk with you.  Vulnerability is really a dependence and trust issue.  You can’t make yourself vulnerable to everyone, but choose wisely and have some friends you can trust.
  3. Depend on God.  Ultimately we have to come to grips with who we are before God.  We must come to accept God’s abounding grace and mercy.  It is easy to not even be open and honest about our relationship with God.  We try to wear a mask before God.  Yet, God can see right through it!  Ultimately the mask we want to wear before this world is the mask of Christ.  We find peace and acceptance in Him.

So this Halloween take off more than a costume, take off your masks and let your true self and your needs be known. You don’t have to hide any longer!

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