My Momentary Loss of Valentine’s Day Sense

rose by RCB @ Flickr

By RCB at

Despite what I wrote yesterday, I still don’t get it either.  

To illustrate …..

This past Tuesday, I was working in my office at church when a sweet lady from church, who is our adopted Mayfield grandmother stopped by and asked “Would you like a baby sitter on Valentine’s day?”

It didn’t take me long to answer this simple question.  You see to a father of four small kids a date is precious.  It was like being asked would you like free tickets or would you like this extra dozen donuts we have.

So I did the obvious thing, I said “no.”  I know you can’t believe it either!!  But I can explain, it was an obvious thought pattern.  We had planned a shrimp boil for our family that night.  I got a new outdoor cooking burner and pans for Christmas and was anxious to use them.  So we planned to that on Valentine’s.

I went home for lunch on Tuesday and told Amanda, “Ann offered to babysit, but I told her no.”  I think it was at that moment or soon after, that I realized “my momentary loss of Valentine’s Day sense.”  I soon realized that  wasn’t too smart!  Amanda thought it might have been the dumbest think I have done!

Needless to say on the way back to work after lunch, I called Ann and accepted her offer.

I am looking forward to my date tonight with my beautiful wife and best friend.

So men there is still time, maybe you had a “momentary loss of Valentine’s day sense.”  View this is your wake up call, learn from my mistake.  Do something today to communicate your love to your wife.  If you can go out on a date with her, then by all means take the opportunity to enjoy time together.  The shrimp boil will have to wait!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

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