Is Sunday Still Special?

Picture from; flip calendar 1

Picture from; flip calendar 1


How is it viewed in our culture today?

  • The day for football! (NFL season)
  • The day of rest (stay home and relax)
  • The day for TV watching
  • The day for doing home chores
  • The day for youth sports
  • The day for recreation and hobbies

What about the day for worship and service to Christ and His church?

Sunday should be different for our culture and especially for Christian families.  It is the “Lord’s day.”

Sunday is special because:

  • The Lord was resurrected on Sunday (Mat. 28:1-10; Mark 16:1-10)
  • The church was established on a Sunday (The day of Pentecost) (Acts 2).
  • The early church assembled as a body to worship and partake n communion on Sunday (1 Cor. 16:1-2; Acts 20:7)
  • John was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day (Rev. 1:10).  

Sunday should be special for Christians today! 

  • It is His day.  Not just His morning!  Sunday is about the Lord and His church.  Christians should care about the activities of the church throughout the day.  Whether it is service projects, youth devotionals, showers, Bible classes, or evening worship, Sunday is about the church!  Sunday is special and the day should be consecrated for the Lord.
  • It is a family day.  Sunday should be different for your family!  You should be out of your normal routine.  Rest, refresh, worship, enjoy a Sunday noon family meal, and cherish family time.
  • It is a day of fellowship with brethren.  Sunday is a day of focus upon Christian brethren.  Christians should prioritize fellowship.  The Lord’s day gives an opportunity to visit brethren in the hospital, shut-in at home, or weak in the faith.  Sunday is a day for involvement in fellowship activities.  Some want to say you don’t need the church, you can stay home and enjoy a relaxed morning or rest, maybe read a little scripture or watch a TV evangelist.  This temptation is wholly unbiblical and counter to the instructions of the NT to gather for worship and have involvement with brethren in the body of Christ (Heb. 10:24-25).
  • It is a day of being counter-cultural.  The culture says for us to use Sunday in a selfish way for entertainment, but Christians see it as the highlight of their week that prepares them for faithfulness in the new week.

What about your family?  Is Sunday special to you?  Let’s do our part to keep Sunday special and not give into the worldly culture which wants to diminish Sunday as the “Lord’s day.”  

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