How Transgender Bathroom Rules Are Flushing Our Youth


{NOTE:  I wrote this article for an upcoming THINK magazine on Transgender issues.}

On May 13, 2016, President Obama did what was considered unthinkable just a couple of years ago.  He, along with Education and Justice Department officials, issued a letter urging school officials to accommodate transgender students by allowing them to use the bathroom of their gender identity.  Schools are threatened with losing federal funds if they fail to do such, as they are said to be sexually discriminating and violating Title IX (1972) and the Civil Rights Act (1964).  This is despite the fact that neither of these laws had any thought to transgender restrooms when they were passed in 1964 and 1972.

The President’s involvement in this controversy is only the latest in an ongoing national discussion about transgenders using the restroom of their choice.  It is my contention that proponents of such legislation are creating more problems than they are solving by casting off common sense and the basic fundamental demarcation of society.  While arguing to protect  the civil rights of transgender children, this issue actually endangers and threatens our most precious and vital possession as a society—our children.  Sadly, I see at least four negative outcomes for children that will come by allowing people to choose their bathroom irrespective of their biological gender.         

First, the majority is made uncomfortable.  The LGBT community, who advocates for these laws, argues it is wrong to make transgender individuals “uncomfortable” by having to use the restroom of their birth certificate.  Suppose you are a 3rd grader in a public school using the restroom with your classmates and in walks someone clearly of the opposite sex, who is going to be uncomfortable?  Likely everyone involved will be uncomfortable, and especially the majority who are using their normal facility.  As Nicole Russell said, “Transgender kids should not be free to make other kids acquiesce to environments in which they are uncomfortable … their goals or accomplishment fail to acknowledge that every student deserves equal treatment.” (1) Clearly the transgender students are a very small minority.  Yet, the majority is made subject to their will.  If the true goal is comfort, then how does the comfort of one transgender student trump the comfort of all the non-transgender students?  We have become so consumed as a culture with protecting the minority, that we are abusing the majority with such legislation.

Second, predators and child abusers are given an open door to be in locations where they should not be!  Children are hence more susceptible to abuse, exploitation, sexual exposure, and kidnapping.  Let us be realistic about this issue, transgender individuals dress and act in a way that identifies with their chosen gender.  They are able to use their chosen restroom without others knowing because of their appearance.  The general public is unaware that a transgender person is using their restroom.  Thus, making legislation only helps them feel justified and equal.  But the real and possibly unintended consequence of such legislation is the allowing of individuals who look and dress like their biological sex enter the bathroom and dressing room of the opposite sex.  This is an open temptation for predators and child abusers.  They now can go in a woman’s restroom fully dressed as a man and this is acceptable.  In public schools for example, middle school boys can go into the girls’ dressing rooms legally.  Police reports from across our nation are already filled with incidences of individuals using restrooms and dressing rooms as places to video tape, solicit, expose, and abuse children. (See this listing of incidences)(2).

There is concern even in liberal communities which have been practicing transgender bathrooms.  Time magazine ran an article about a girls’ swim team in New York’s Upper West Side that are too scared to use the women’s locker room at the Parks Department’s swimming pool.  Girls ranging in age from 7-18 are uncomfortable after seeing a “bearded individual” using the girl’s locker room.  Since the Parks department allows such usage the girls swimming team is having to use the family changing space, which is too small, for their privacy.  They had rather take turns changing in the family space than risk changing in front of a man.  Parents are pushing for rules that would keep people from using the restroom for blocks of time unless accompanied with a child.  One parent is quoted as being concerned that adult strangers are allowed “to shower and change clothes in the presence of naked vulnerable children.” (3)  I think any parent would be concerned!

Third, the basic foundational moral and self-image markers that have always existed are being removed—confusing and harming children.  Male and female is one of the most basic elements of natural classification.  With the birth of each new animal on our farm, we anticipate discovering the sex of the new addition.  The sex of the new animal will define much about the livestock’s purpose and personality.  Throughout history, humanity has always classified people into two groups based on their biological anatomy.  The biological sex of a person defines much of who they are and who they are supposed to be, just as it does with animals on the farm.  Our culture is sending our children a confusing message during their most impressionable and challenging years.  They are struggling to find love, acceptance, and identity.   Many children and teens will seek transgender identification as a way of gaining attention and finding their own identity.  For example, the New York Times noted, “studies suggest that most young children with gender dysphoria eventually lose any desire to change sex.” (3)  Past generations clearly sent a message to their youth of expectations for their biological sex.  Boys were expected to grow into men, and assume this masculine role in society. Girls were expected to develop into ladies, and assume the feminine role in society.   With these clear identity markers being removed, children are being harmed because they are told by society you have to choose your gender and sexual preference.  Just as we are witnessing with homosexuality, so we will see an increase in transgenderism because our culture is offering this to children as a possibility.  The moral revolution has been so strong in society that it doesn’t even know the difference in male and female, and this is exactly the dangerous message we will internalize in our children (4)!

Fourth, this issue encourages a general attitude of rebellion and revolt against God.  When we refuse to believe and willfully ignore the truths of creation, we open ourselves up to all kinds of sins.  The opening chapters of Genesis declare that God made us male and female in His image and likeness.  The Savior reminded us of this truth when he dwelt on earth (Mat. 19:4).  This is a form of modern idolatry!  A rejection of one’s biological gender is a a rejection of the creative design and sovereign purpose of God.

We teach kids in our culture that each is unique and special in their own way.  We want them to know they are special and accepted in their skin color, race, hair features, facial form, disability, or academic ability.  Yet in this area regarding their sexual gender, society is saying just deny who you are.  What would our society tell a black skinned child with African ancestors who wanted to be of white European decent?  Most in our culture would encourage him to be thankful for who he is and recognize his own value, beauty, and worth.  Why do we tell the boy who wants to be a girl, this is a good thing, you don’t have to be a boy, just call yourself a girl and dress like a girl?

For our precious children this is about more than which bathroom they use and who is in it with them.  It is about their safety, self-image, and security.  It is about the message our culture is sending about morals, their own identity, and God.  It is about the casting off of common sense and historically understood roles.  It will adversely affect our children and the future of our nation.  


1 – “Don’t Put My Five-Year-Old Girl in a Bathroom with a Transgender Boy.”  by Nicole Russell – The Federalist – 7-24-2015 –

2 – “Top Twenty-five Stories Proving Target’s Pro-Transgender Bathroom Policy is Dangerous to Women and Children.”  By Warren Todd Huston, April 23, 2016

3 – “Even in Liberal Communities, Transgender Bathroom Laws Worry Parents.”  Belinda Luscombe – May 13, 2016

4 –  “The Briefing 05-16-16” by Albert Mohler

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