How to Get More People Involved in the Church

Workman Sign by Taluda at

Workman Sign by Taluda at

The work of the church is the greatest work on earth.  Its work is urgent and eternal in nature.  Yet, every church I know struggles with getting attendees and members involved in the work.  Our Lord taught us to pray for more workers, because the laborers are few (Mat. 9:36-38, 20:5-7)

Everyone needs to be involved in the work of the Lord.  God has a purpose for each Christian in His Kingdom (Eph. 4:11-16, Rom. 12:4-6).  It is the duty and responsibility of leaders to equip the body for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12).

Here are some ways to get more folks involved in the work of the church.

  1. Provide an encouraging and accepting environment.  People should be encouraged when they succeed, and not have anxiety about being judged and criticized when they try.
  2. Help people see involvement in the church as involvement with Jesus.  It is through working with Christians that we are able to see Jesus.  Thus it is also through serving in the kingdom that we get to “be” Jesus to others and the dark world.  We are His body! Eph. 1:22-23
  3. Teach Christians what the Bible says about our talents and abilities.  There is a formula I like to teach that goes like this:  Ability + Opportunity = Responsibility.  Christians needs to study Mat. 25:14-30, Mark 14:8, James 1:22-25, Luke 12:48, Romans 12, and 1 Corinthians 12.
  4. Teach Christians that God expects them to bear fruit.  We rightly emphasize baptism as the point of salvation (1 Pet. 3:21).  But do we appropriately emphasize it as the beginning point as well!  One is not at the end of the journey, but is beginning their walk.  They are to grow and be involved in good works (Eph. 2:10, James 2:14-26).  We are expected to bear fruit for Jesus (John 15).  We do not merit salvation because of  works, but works are required to be pleasing to God (Rev. 2-3, 2 Cor. 5:8-10).
  5. Set goals for your church family.  People respond when they feel needed and a part of the goal.
  6. Motivate people to participate.  Help people see the reward, catch a vision, and find the joy in participation.  When considering people being involved consider these five factors: Church leaders can be quick to point the blame on attendees for not being involved, but maybe churches should consider their own culpability in the lack of involvement.
    1. Do they understand?
    2. Do they have the ability to do it (or the perceived ability)?
    3. Do they see it as part of their purpose and mission (discipleship)?
    4. Do they feel connected and accepted by fellow Christians?
    5. Do they see the value in accomplishing the work?
  7. Finally, consider why folks are not involved and attempt to remove these obstacles.  Here are some reasons:
    1. They may have a real lack of spiritual maturity and biblical knowledge.
    2. They may have fears.
    3. Their may be social and personal factors for wanting a church connection without church involvement.
    4. They may not have been asked.
    5. They may not be able to because of a current life situation.

             We often do not know, but we must be slow to judge others.

What suggestions would you have?

****The origin for this post and much of the ideas are from Vance Hutton and a lecture he did at Polishing the Pulpit 2013.  We discussed this in a Wednesday night Bible class recently and I have added some additional thoughts.

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